miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History

Some ideas for 4º ESO students regarding your 2nd Term projects.

What do you think?

47 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name's Mari Angeles from 2ºESO B.
    I think this video is very good because we can see the evolution of women's bodies and observe the opinions of people of history.

    Bye, bye :)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  3. hello my name is Ehsan from 2B .I think this video is very interesting because is the big evolution of women's bodies.BYE

  4. hi im alex rodriguez from 2Band i think this video could be very interesting if you want to know how are women in history

  5. Hello, there! I'm Fátima Freire from 4ºESO C. I think ideals of beauty in different periods are extremes and dangerous. Girls want to be like them end up on things like anorexia. So, ideals of beauty are just impossible to reach stereotypes.

  6. Hi!
    I´m Paula Lepe from 4ºESO B. This video shows us that although we think we are the most beautiful girl but maybe in a few years the ideal of beauty will be the opposite

  7. Hello I'm Ana from 4C
    I think that the ideal body in woman have a really big change depends on the time and in this video you can saw that very well

  8. Hello my name is Alejandra Ibáñez Bayon 3ºESO A. The video is very interesting, the evolution of women's bodies throughout history . But I think the body is not all, each is as it is.

  9. Hello I am Diego Hidalgo from 1 Bachillerato B. I think that this video is interesting because we can see the diferents women´s body types throughout history and how it has changed.

  10. Hello I am Cristina García of 3ºB.
    I am going to talk about this video of the different ideal bodies during the history. They are totally varied, before the bodies were not so thin as those that we like now.. The type of skin according to the period in which we are is darker or whiter, in the ancient Egypt the body idel was dark and thin and in the Italian Renaissance it was fat and white's skin. Also they were changing the colors of hair.
    This is all.

  11. Hello my name is Claudia Garcia Soltero from 3ºB.This video is very interesting as it explains the evolution that had women from the 1292 century to the present day, from the 1990 century until now have not been many changes in that time was when people started to tattoo until today. I like smart and I really liked me. Bye bye :)

  12. HI! My name is Jose Diaz from 3ºA. This video is very interesting because you can see the evolition of women´s.


  13. Hello my name is Alejandro Galvez of 3ºA. This video is interesting because we can see the evlolucion of women and their bodies.

  14. Hello my name is Alejandro de la Torre from 3ºB. This video is very interesting, in it appears shown the differents standards of beauty of a woman along history. This is all and thanks for read my comment.
    Bye!! ;)

  15. Hello, I´m Javi Báñez from 3ºB. In this video we can watch the evolution of the ideal body, the physique and the appearance of the women. I can emphasise that in the Ancient Greece the women were considerated disfigured versions of men! This is a total wrong thought. Or in the Italian Renaissance, the round stomach was a trend, and this is a thing that actually is the opposite, the trend in women is a flat stomach.

  16. Hello, my name is Angela Del Arco from 3ºB. I post this comment because the video is very interesting, because talks about the evolution of the women's body. Before, the ideal body was very different than now. Now, the body isn't only important, the people also like the personality or the attitude. In 20s century , the ideal bodies didn't have any tattoos or piercings, and now is normal to see a person who have tattoos or piercings in her/his body.

  17. Hello my name is Rocio del mar larios from 3ºA.This video is very interesting because it is very curious to see how women have evolved. Skin color, facial features, body shape ...

  18. Hello! My name is Lorena from 2 BTO B anda about this video I think that for the third term that idea can be really interesting because it is a recently topic to talk in our peojects!!
    I think that women nowadays is free to know and to do whatever she want about her aspect. bye :)

  19. Hi! I'm Álvaro Cepeda from 2bto A.
    I guess this video is so interesting and my opinion about what it try to express is that I believe we should look at the inner part of the people and don't be worried about the body because one day we will be old and your appearance wouldn't be important for the people around you who really will love you for how you are not how you look.

  20. Hi!! My name is Cristina García, 2º Bach A.
    I think this video explain very good the evolution of the body, but nowadays, I think all types of body are very good, and also the color skin.
    In conclusion, all people has a very good body. Bye! :)

  21. Hello,
    I am María Medina from 2ºBTO A.
    As I have understood the video, the main message is that it is indifferent to the physical we have, in every age and place are best seen some more than others, this is in flux. So we should appreciate our appearance and learn to play with our best cards to be more attractive.
    Good bye

  22. Hi, I'm Alvaro Rodriguez from 2BTO B. In my opinion this video is very curious because it shows us how the prototype of woman has changed trough the history. It would be interesting to know about how will be it in the future.

    Bye, bye.

  23. After I seeing this video I think it's a bit sexist because they put examples of a perfect female body depends on each century.
    I think that today there are many types of bodies, and we shouldn't discriminate them.
    Every woman have the body they want independently of the century where we live.
    We should love each other more!
    kisses, Ana.

  24. Hello!
    My name is Carolina Gonzalez Arias from 3ºA.
    In this video speaking about the evolution of women body, it is very interesting see traits and body of women change after years,Humanity is evolving every year, the video was very good.

  25. I think that it's interesting to see how the 'ideal body' of women has evolved but, in my opinion, the most important thing to achieve the perfect body is to love the body se have because every single kind of body is beautiful in their own way.
    I'm Eva Sánchez from 2nd BTO B!

  26. hello, i'm irene sanchez from 2ºB, I think that in this video very interesting we can see the evolution of the women's body.

  27. Hello my name is Rafael González of 3ºA.
    For my this video is interesting because you can see the diferents types of the ideal women's body throughout history.

  28. Hi, I'm Luis Miguel from 2nd BTO A.
    This video is necessary to know the ideal body of the womens and the differents types of woman's body

  29. Hi my name is Antonio Martin from 2ºBto. B .
    I think that it is a good video to know the beauty of the girls in the history. In my opinion there are a lot of models actually.

  30. Hello may name is Lucia from 3ºA.
    In my opinion this video explains very well the diferents types or bodies, no need to be thin to be beautiful just have to feel good about yourself.

  31. Hello! My name is Maria Jose De La Torre from 3°A. I think this video is very funny and incredible as It not only shows the evolution of woman in physical appearance, but also above shows as changed over the years the idea of the ideal woman, the way of dressing, grooming, make up.... This is all, bye bye!!

  32. Hello!
    My name is veronica cortes, from 3A.
    In this video speaking about the different ideal bodies during the history,is very interestig and easy.

  33. Hello!
    My name is veronica cortes, from 3 A.
    In this video speaking about the different ideal bodies during the history,is very interesting and easy.

  34. Hi I'm Álvaro Toribio from 2 BTO A. It's incredible how people can prefer a type of body in a country and in another one, a totally different type of body. The main idea of the videos is that no matter what society says that is the best body, because this would change, so just love your body, it's perfect !

  35. Hello i'm Rafael Márquez Boixo from 3ºB and I think this video is interesting for Know about the ideal women body along history.
    See you¡

  36. Hello! I´m Angel Diaz from 2 BTO A.
    In my opinion, this is very interesting because you can see the history of the ideal body of women, so you can know the "fashion" of each moment!

  37. Hello! I'm Rocío Toro Macías from 2ºBTO-B.
    I really liked this video because it shows us how the prototype of woman has changed trough the history. I think that the perfect women is very beautiful, thin, with curves...
    Nowadays, people are so obsessed with the physical and when they meet one person they judge them by their physical and we should think that with the passage of time the physical is lost and only left the personality.

  38. Hi, I'm Francisco José Roldán from 2ºBto B
    I think it is interesting to know how the history has changed from other different point of view. Also we have to accept and to be happy with the body we have :)

  39. Hi, my name is Sergio Camarena González from 2º Bach A.
    I think that this video show you the drastic changes of women's beauty during our history.

  40. Hi! I'm Lorena Martín Rodríguez from 1ºBTO B
    This video is very interesting and everyone should watch it, because it teach us that the body form isn't as important as people think, sometimes taking extremes steps to be as fit as the society makes you think you have to be. The 90's influence hasn't disappear yet, and you can see it in the high amounts of bullimics and anorexic cases, the ideal body type now it's being healthy and fit with sport though.


  41. Hi, my name is Rocío Franco from2bto b.
    This video explain how was the woman's body ver y well But I prefer The skin now because I love dark skins and thin bodies.
    Bye, kisses!

  42. Hi! I'm Cristina Villegas from 2BTO B.
    I think that video show really good the women's ideal types during the history like a cyclic evolution, because the first women are thin, with a good skin and slim waists and the latest are similar, because they represent the good health and a good times, but between them, are the women who are a bit plump with a wide waists that represents the people who can have money to eat in a bad times.
    I realle like it, it a good form to represent the women's ideal bodies.
    Bye! :)

  43. Hi my name is Juan Carlos from 2btoA and i think that the history has changed a lot and this vídeo show you the changes of women's beauty

  44. Hi, my name is Ernesto Tapia and I dont know how big that dramatical change is and how the women's appearance has changed so It was really good.

  45. Hi, my name is Inmaculada Bizcocho Báñez from 1btoB.
    this video show very well how it has changed the concept of a woman's body throughout history
    I think the modern woman's weight is extremely low and this has caused negative effects in the society especially in adolescents. I like the kind of skin that is dark, but that is something we have been taught through the world of fashion, film .. because light skin has also been pursued for a long time as well we have seen in this video.
    Also this change is different in every culture and has different views.
    Bye! ;)

  46. Hello, it's a really impressive video. It shows you how women stereotypes have been changing 'till nowadays, and I'm kinda shocked. But I'm suprised because it's exciting to see how people perception has changed. Every culture had its own ideal body type, and I question myself, is this what we are doing now? Are we creating a perfect and ideal body type? I mean, it's okay to have like a stereotype, but without obsessing with them, because the body we have is unique, and we should love it just how it is :)
    Beatriz Bella 2º BTO A <3

  47. Hello!! I'm Rocio Muñoz Contreras of 4B. I think that this vídeo is really interesting because it shows us women's evolution abouth her body. It teaches us who was the women in each place of de world and I think they were accepted as they were. Nowadays I think it isn't the same because there are many critics about this. Bye!!!


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