jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Picture descriptions

Hi everyone,

Here you have two very good links to guidelines on how to describe a picture in English (especially for your oral exams :-). Read all the information carefully and practise at home. We wish to express our gratitude to the author: Cristina Cabal.

12 comentarios:

  1. I'm Manuel Eusebio from 1º BTO B and I think that these two links are very useful because it really talks about every aspect that you should care about when you're describing a picture. I have an oral examen on the next week and it will help me a lot so, thanks you Cristina!

  2. I think these advices are very useful and we'll use them a lot in our oral exams, as well as in our writings and everytime we talk in English.
    Eva Sánchez (2nd BTO B)

  3. Hello! My name is Julia Jiménez Guitart and I'm from 2ºbto B.
    It's really important to know how to describe pictures or anything else because you will have oral exams until you finish your studies, and these two links help you a lot!
    I wish you a very good luck with your oral exams :)

  4. HI, I am Luis Miguel from 2nd BTO A.
    To describe a picture is important , because ist necessary to realise the exam

  5. Hello! I´m Angel Diaz from 2BTO A !!
    These advices are very useful and can help you a lot, specially in the oral expression in English!!!!
    Byee !

  6. Hello! I'm Rocio Toro Macias from 2ºBTO-B.
    I'm just seen these links and it's very useful to describe a picture in our oral exams. I would use these links for my oral exam.

  7. Hello! I'm Sandra Palomo Macías from 2bto B.
    I think these advices can help you for oral exams because in these pages explains very well how you can do it good.

  8. Hi! I'm Lorena Martín Rodríguez from 1BTO B
    These links were really useful for me, as to describe a picture is something really common in oral exams. And it's really organised and easy to understand.


  9. Hi! I am Francisco Rodriguez from 2Bto B
    This advices are very useful to use in our oral exams and in this way we improve our oral skills.

  10. Hi! I'm Cristina from 2ºBTO B.
    I think that theses advices are incredible, because they explain how can we describe a picture in simples steps, and the author give us an example for a little girl listening to music for explain the steps, the language.... I'm going to print them for my orally exams.
    Bye! :)

  11. hi! I'm alicia medina from 2BTO B and I find this very useful. for me, its so important to do descriptions in a correct way, and this information will help us, for example, in our oral exams. kisses :)

  12. Hello! I am Lorena Bejarano from 2BTO B and about this advices I think they are too important to know how to do the "speaking" because the oral exam is an important part of the mark. Also if de want to obtain a extra english level like B1 or B2 the oral part is the most important!!
    Bye bye;)


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