miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

how to do a frontflip

27 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I'm María Beato from 1°BTO "B".
    Watching this video you can learn the steps you need to follow to do a frontflip. First of all you have to stretch and then the woman tell us how to put your hands and your legs. I think that it isn't so easy, but practicing a lot, we all can do it!

  2. Hello, I'm Claudia from 4ºA.
    This video explains the steps to make a frontlip, primeor have to stretch to reduce the danger to which we can yank, following these steps everyone could come and get it without difficulty. Bye.

  3. Hello I'm Rocío del Mar Larios from 4°A.
    This video explain us how to do a frontflip.The woman explain the position of your leg and hands. In my view it isn't easy.

  4. Hello, I´m Mª Teresa from 4º ESO "A". In this video a teacher teach us how we have to do a frontflip. We can see what is a frontflip because a girl so it in a video. The frontflip is too diffucult but no impossible so, practise fo do it! Bye!

  5. Hello, I´m Mª Teresa from 4º ESO "A". In this video a teacher teach us how we have to do a frontflip. We can see what is a frontflip because a girl so it in a video. The frontflip is too diffucult but no impossible so, practise fo do it! Bye!

  6. Hello! I'm Sebas Raposo from 1ºBTO B.
    In my opinion this video doesn't help you much if you want to do a frontflip. It's usefull to know how to put your body but it's not as easy as it looks. I can do it and I can do a backflip too.

  7. Hi, I'm Julia Suárez from 1B bach.
    Step by step it seems easy to do a front flip, but once you try you realize it' not. The first time I tried to do a front flip I started respecting this sport a lot more than I used to because it takes a lot of practice and hard work.

  8. Hello my name is Daniel Romero from 2B.
    In this video you can see as you do a fronflip.But in my opinion do a frontflip is very easy.Bye Bye and good evening!!!!

  9. Hello!I´m Virginia from 2ºB.
    This is a practical video where we learn how to do a gymnastic move.It seems easier than when you´re trying.There are some steps until you get it, but you will get it if you practice every day

  10. I can't do a frontflip but I think that if I follow these steps I might be able to perform it.This video makes it look easy but it is not, it's just like everything else in life, you have to practice if you want to master it. Thanks for posting it, it's quite helpful!

  11. Hello my name is Maria Jose from 2B.
    I think this video is very interesting and fun because you have to explain how to stretch muscles an do step by step the frontflip
    BYE BYE.

  12. Hey! I'm Victoria Camacho from 2ºB .

    This video show you how to do a frontflip. This woman teach with her student that the first and most important step is warm up, for do all the steps without problem. For do a perfect frontflip you only have to practise following this vídeo, but with patient and a lot of care .


  13. Hi everyone! I'm Rocio Gomez from 2B . I think tath this video is more interesting because it explain step by step how to do frontflip and you can try to do , it's very easy!!! Good bye .

  14. Hi everyone! I'm Rocio Gomez from 2B . I think tath this video is more interesting because it explain step by step how to do frontflip and you can try to do , it's very easy!!! Good bye .

  15. Hi! I'm Juan Carlos from 1Bto B.
    In my opinion this is not a practical video because the teacher teaches you the steps and the way you have to do it and you Will not do it well if you have to follow the video because it changes too much.

  16. Hello, I am Elena, from 2b.
    i really this video, because i love rythmic gymnastique. But it's imposible that i do it for me.

  17. Hello, I´m Rocío Márquez from 2ºESO B, in my opinion, this video is amazing, because the video show us how do a front flip, and if you see the video you can teach do this. Maybe, I'm going to try!

  18. Hello I'm Enrique and I like the video because you can learn to make a front flip step by step of form easy. This is my opinion about this. Good bye

  19. Hi everyone,I'm David Buchynskyy from 2ºB.
    In this video we can see a training about how to do a front flip.In my opinion its very difficult to do , but its very eassy if you practice with a trainer or anyone who know how to do it.

  20. Hi! I´m Rocio Bañez Medina from 2ºB. I reckon that is very difficult but also I think that is very interesting and I trying to do this.

  21. hello i´m alejandro from 2B.this video is interesting because it is about how to do a front fly step by step but is very difficult for me. god bye

  22. Hi,I'm Daria from 2°B. I think that this video is an easy way to learn how to do a frontflip, that is a gymnastic movement. With a lot of practice and dedication you can do it!

  23. hello! I'm María Betanzos Báñez from 2ºB. I think that this video are very boring because it hasn't got music but the girl that made the frontflip are very amazing because is very small and se made this very well.
    In summary I like this video because we can learn made a frontflip but she must put some music.

  24. Hi! I'm Ruth from 2°B
    I think that this video is very interesting because you can learn how to do gymnastic move and the teacher in the video explain step by step.

  25. Hello, I am Elena Ramos, from 2B.
    I think that this video is very nice, because it says you step by step what have to do.
    I t is complicated, but really cool.
    bye bye.

  26. Hi, I´m Rafael Garcia, from 4ºA. In my opinion, the explanation is ok but I´ll add to bring your arms as hight as you can for increasing your height in the flip. Carmen, I wanna have a class like this!!!

  27. Hello my name is Juan Jose from 1° Eso D. I like this video because in my opinion the explanation for the flip is vrmery good.


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