martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

The Benefits and Effects of Exercise ...

12 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I am Damián from 4D
    I really like this video because I discovery things of our body thats I don´t know.

  2. Hello, I´m Francísco Rodríguez from 4ºD.
    I love that types of documentary, because every time
    I´m learning more of our body. The body is very grateful, only doing each day at least 30 minutes of some types of exercises, we can get big results.

  3. Hi, I am Juan Carlos Díaz from 4C. I like very much because is very interesting and I learnt very much in this video about the efect of the exercise.

  4. Hello, I´m Fernando from 4ºE. I think this video is good because it explains the circulatory and respiratory systems in a clear way. It has images of both of them. The video is very long.

  5. Hi, I'm Álvaro Rodríguez from 4th ESO D.

    I enjoy the video very much because there are many interesting and important things that I have learnt with the video.

  6. I'm Ainara from 1ºBTO!
    I like this video because I've realized of things that I've never seen
    Thank you =)

  7. Hello!! I'm Ana Medina from 1ºBTO D
    In my opinion this video show us that we must think about how important is excercise and to do sport in our life not only for the body... for the mind it's too!

  8. Hi! I am Magadalena Irizo Ruiz from 4ºE. I think that this video is very interesting because you can see the benefits for example maintaining a healthy mind or have better a physicals qualities and also you can see the effects for example better physical appearance.
    Bye, Bye

  9. Hello! Im Alicia Lagares Caro from 4ºE.
    This video is very well, because it helps the muscular system like the bones and muscles to make them stronger.
    Good Bye!

  10. Hello I`m Angel from 4ºC.
    I enjoy this video because I can see the circulatory and respiratory system when a person is doing exercise.
    I like this type of documentary because I´ve learnt about the effects of the exercise.

  11. The FE is very uselful, is beneficial for we bodys.
    Marin 2F.

  12. Hello everybody! I'm Julia Jiménez from 4ºE.
    I think that this video is very interesting and teaches you some things that I'm sure you didn't know before.
    I've liked it.


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