sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013

aerobic and anaerobic training.

20 comentarios:

  1. Hello. I'm JuliaJiménez from 1ºbto B.
    I think this is a really good video to train yourself. It explain perfectly how to do each exercise in the correct way and how long you should do it. It teach you the use of every exercisein your body too.
    Bye, see you in class!

  2. Oh!! I was wrong when I saw the tittle of the video, because I think that this video would be very heavy, but ultimately I like him, because this video explein very well what is FITT (Frequency, Intensity, time and type) and explained one by one their meaning and what we habe to do, why and how many, definitely, i like too much this video, and if my group of the project had seen this video most probably we will do best the trainning program!! :(
    But don´t worry, we think that we do very well the project :D
    See u in class, byee :)

  3. Hello!! I´m Daniel Rebollo Ávila from 1ºBTO-B.
    It´s a good video and a good explanation.
    Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of relatively low intensity and can be performed for extended periods of time. Anaerobic exercise is exercise intense enough to trigger lactic acid formation and in a short period of time.
    I prefer the aerobic trainig!!
    Bye!! :)

  4. Hello! I am Lorena Bejarano for 1ºBTO A... About this video I am agree because each person needs a different training, it depends of the resistence of the person. If a person who want be fit, this person should eat all kind of food, also proteins, carbohidrates... IF NO PAIN NO GAIN!! bye:)

  5. Hello! I am Cristina García from 1ºBTO B.
    I think this is a very good video because in this, explain very well the training methods and you can impruve it!
    So, this is a good way to learn more.
    Bye bye :D

  6. Hello:) I'm Mónica Ionescu from 1ºBTO A and i think that this video is very important for us because it explain you haw do you must to train a good planning from fitt.

  7. Hi! I'm Álvaro Rodríguez from 1ºBto B

    In my opinion this video is a good beggining to know how you can make a good training plan or the principles of training.
    It's important to understand the differences between each training to do an useful planning.

    Bye byeeee

  8. Hi! I'm Álvaro Cepeda from 1BTO B
    As far I can remember we did a worksheet about FITT in P.E. lessons.
    This video explains really well what kind of exersices we should do to improve our fitness. There are many kinds of exersices and they depend on the person who practise it, so I'm agree with it.
    See u (;

  9. Hello! I'm Sandra Palomo from 1ºBTO B.
    I think it's a good video because explain very well the aerobic and anaerobic training. Also explain what is means FITT(frecuency,intensity,type and time). With this video we can do a perfect training planning.
    Bye :)

  10. Hello, we are Juan Carlos and Sergio Camarena for 1ºBTO A, we like this video cause she explain very well what's the meaning of FITT and one by one all the meanings and how we should do.

  11. Hello, i am Luis Miguel Diaz Pichardo. The video explein that wich person need different training, so it is important for the profesionals

  12. Hi classmates,
    I am María Medina from 1º BTO A.
    I think in this video we can see and learn easilythe different principles of training and what they consist. We should also keep in mind that every person needs a personal training.
    Good Bye.

  13. Hi classmates,
    I am María Medina from 1ºBTO A.
    I think in this video we can see and learn easily the different principles of training and what they consist. We should also keep in mind that every person needs a personal training. Other important thing is to combine our personal training with a balanced diet.

  14. Hello! I'm Álvaro Toribio from 1º BTO A.
    When we want to train or to be fit we almost always fail in the same thing, how long should we train and how.
    With this video we'll have the answer to do a perfect training and we can learn how to improve our personal training.

  15. Hi I'm Ernesto and I think that this video is exactly w3hat we need to know to do a wight training and explain the differents between an anaerobic training and an aerobic training.

  16. Hi! I'm Rocio Franco from 1bto B.
    This video explains very well how to train each person. I think this will be of great help for everyone.
    Well! Good bye!!

  17. Hi! I am Antonio Martín from 1Bto. B. I like this video because it explain very well the aerobic and anaerobic train, it is a good job.

  18. Hello! I am Damián Ponce from 1 Bto. B. I think that it is a very important video because it help all people to train.

  19. Hello! I am Fran Rodríguez from 1 Bto. B. I think it is a very good way to teach people how to train in a correct form

  20. Hello, i´m Pablo from 3ºESO B. i thinck that the video it is very interesting and explain the differents between an anaerobic training and an aerobic training.


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