sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013

Physical Education as a solution ...

17 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Julia Jiménez from 1ºbto B.
    This is a GREAT video of a big problem: obesity and overweight. It's all around the world but speacilly in America. The First Lady said: over the past tree decades children obesity has tripled. Some of the causes are: we spend too much time watching TV or playing video games, safe places to play are hard to find, etc.
    The main way to solution this problem is to be MORE ACTIVE and EAT HEALTHIER.
    I have a lot of interest in things like this because illnesses like obesity causes not only physical problems, it causes mental problems too, like: depression, big insecurities, bulimia, etc. LET'S CHANGE FOR THE BETTER.

  2. Hi! I'm Alvaro Cepeda from 1bto B
    I agree with the video. From my point of view, we should practise sport frecuently and we must change our lifestyle to feel younger and live better!

  3. I don´t like this video... i think that nothing, because there are a lot of words that i don´t understand, but i think that I understand what the video was to say, i like very much the effects of the video, because I think that it´s very amusing with that type of effects, that other black and white...
    I know that in America there are a lot of person overweight, but I think that it´s for their lifestyle, because there are a looooot of people that don´t have any tyme, and the buy junk food, that it´s more cheap that other...I have to say too that I don´t like any time of food, but the junk food yes :DDDD

    I have to control myself with the help of the physical education too!!
    I have to say goodbye, I go now to dinner!!

  4. Hello!! I´m Daniel Rebollo Ávila from 1ºBTO-B.
    The obesity is a problem very serious and harmful to the health and overcoat for the major persons and the children since it him can bring serious problems and diseases. Now there are more obesity that before and overcoat in the young persons. To the obesity it is necessary to put remedy and as soon as possible and a good form is with a healthy diet and overcoat doing sports.
    bye!! :)

  5. Hello! I am Cristina García from 1º BTO B.
    I think this is a good video and you can see, the problems about obesity. It is very important to practise sport because it is very important for health.
    So all the people must move the body!!
    Bye bye :D

  6. Hi. I'm Álvaro Rodríguez from 1º BTO B.

    I think that overweight is a big problem nowadays and it can be eradicated through physical education and sport.

    It's neccesary to be conscius of the importance of the sport since you're a child. It will help everybody to grow up healthier and being an active person.

    The video is so good in general, bye bye

  7. Hello! I'm Sandra Palomo from 1ºBTO B.
    This video talk about the childs from America that they are obesity. The obesity can cause depressions, insecurities...
    We should practice somes exercises and not spend a lot of time in front of the TV.

  8. Hello, we are Sergio Camarena and Juan Carlos. We like this video cause it explain how you can lose weight cause the obesity is a very important problem.

  9. Hello everybody!
    I am María Medina from 1ºBTO A.
    Nowadays, obesity is a serious problem tha affects people of all ages.People become aware that it is a disease and seek solutions to lower porcetages. From schools propose alternatives to enhance sport and physical activity among young people.
    ByeBye ;)

  10. hello, i am luis miguel i think the obesity is a problem that it has many problem that we need to correct

  11. Hello I'm Álvaro Toribio Fernández from 1º BTO A
    This problem is a big problem, but people is so lazy, and this isn't only in USA, in Spain we have the same problem, and it's easy to solve it, with some sport, and a healthy diet we can be healthier, and happier, because when you're confortable with your body, you are happy with yourself, it's simple. We just need to think how children can eat what they don't like to and try to make then active children.

  12. Hi! I'm Ernesto from 1º Bto A and in my opinion the video is right about the problems of the obesity and the good things that the spot and PE could do to prevent and control weight problems like that but also it is important to konw that if you are very obsses about the weight or physical looking you could have other problems like overload so you could know how your body works.

  13. Hi! I'm Rocio Franco from 1bto B.
    I really agree with the video we do some sports in our life. If us do more sport, together with healthy food, our life would be longer.
    Well, kiss!
    See you in class.

  14. Hi! I am Antonio Martín fron 1Bto. B. I think that the vídeo explanin very well the problems, and i think that the really good solutions Its to practice sports everyday

  15. Hello! I am Damián Ponce from 1 Bto. B. I think that the overweight is a very common problem and it has Easy solution like this video

  16. Hello I am Fran from 1bto B . I am agree with this vídeo, we can live better and prevent diseases doing sport.

  17. Hello, I am Carmen from 1BTO A.

    In my opinion, this video is very interestc because it shows you how obesity is in reality a very big problem, not like we used to think. This video shows what is obsesity, how this disease increase since many yeras ago, the facts that caused this disease and how you can cure you.

    I think that this is a very important video that everybody needs to see.


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