lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

8th of March. Gender stereotypes.

Let's draw people doing differnt jobs...

Can you leave your reflection after watching the video, please?

92 comentarios:

  1. I´m José Ignacio Díaz from 1BTO B. It is a magnificent example of video, which dismantles gender stereotypes that children have. Now, the question I ask myself is: why does the teacher ask to draw a fireman, a surgeon ... instead of saying a fireman or a fireman...? What is not named doesn´t exist and non-sexist language must be present in all areas of life.

  2. After seing this video, I came to the conclusion that since we are kids, society impose us some stereorype in which there are jobs that are mostly for men or for women and that is a huge mistake because the only aim of that is to produce inequality between both genders. We have to teach our little kids that boys are able to wear pink and girls blue, or that girls can play with trucks and boys with dolls.

  3. I think that un this society only menos are taken into account because they are very strong but women are also strong and se can also do the same jobs as men, even though they are important jobs. Some women can have more strength than men.

    Carmen Perez Larios 1°eso C

  4. Hello, I am Javier Rodríguez from 1ºC. The video is very interesting and I didn´t know that the persons ware womans. I thing that all of the womans can do the same jobs as men.

  5. I think that the boys and girls believe that not all jobs are for a women but the all jobs are for a women and men.


  6. I believe that both men and women are equal and that all the jobs that a man does can make him a woman that we are all equal and that neither has more power than the other

  7. Hello! I am Elena.

    I think that the video is especial and in it we see as until most the childrens draw man and not womens. When saw that every were womens they were a little pensive.


  8. The video seems good to me because there has to be equality and just as a man can be a firefighter women can also be

  9. hello I am Juan Antonio marquez from first of ESO C.I found the video very interesting and I really think that men should think very well that women and men are the same and I am ashamed that in 2018 there are still people who think that men are better than women.

  10. Hello,I am María Díaz!.
    I think this video represents the whole truth,that men have always been above women is everything,but thanks to all the people,after so many manners,equality is a little better but we still have a long way to go.

  11. Hi, I´m Lorena Padilla from 1ºBTO B. This video is really touching and inspiring. It is really sad that all that children can only imagine difficult, brave and dangerous professions as male professions, but that view is something we have to change. Woman can deal with the same difficulties as men.
    We are strong enough to be whatever we want to be.

  12. I think is very unfair because the woman they can also do men's jobs and I don't know why most men have painted.8 of march celebrated the day of the woman

  13. Hello, I am Rocio Dominguez from 1c.
    I think the video is very good. Not only men have the right to work in some jobs, also women can do it. Because women are better than men, even if they do not recognize it. I wish that one day there will be no more "MACHISMO"

  14. Hello I am ernesto of 2B I agree with what represents the video because, if don't change the stereotypes of kind, we will having inequality in the company(society)

  15. Hello,I am Diana Alexandra!
    The video is very interesting,becouse the men and the women are equality.

  16. This is an interesting video because it shows the reality of our society and all the way that remains to achieve the purpose of gender equality, what is most striking is that of 66 jobs, only 5 are women and when women have been presented with works of "men" has made the comment that they are disguised, these are the words of a child of 6 years and impact that from as small and have that mentality.

    Elisabeth 1ºBto A

  17. Hello, I’m Andrea Hernández from 1ºbto-C and I totally agree with the content of the video, since I believe that we are educated in a macho environment, and this is one of the main causes, that there are problems of gender violence current.

  18. Hello, I´m Rocio Muñoz from 1º BTO-C. In my point of view, I think that we, the adults, have to do that the little boys start to think that any job is for a woman or a man. And not because a woman has a lower physical appearance for certain jobs, can not perform them. I think too that we show that to ourselves. I as a woman I against that, so the world must starts to change their thoughts.

  19. Hello, I´m María Martín from 1ºBTO A. Im my opinion, I think its very sad that most children think in "men works". We all have the same rights and do the work which we want. We have to change this mind.

  20. Hi, I´m José Manuel Pichardo from 1º BTO C. In my opinion this video represent the different that adults make us to see since we are kids, that there are Works for mens and others for womens, that blue is for boys and pink for girls, and also with toys. I disagree of this thoughts. I belive that one day all this will change.


  21. Hello, I´m Nicolas Martinez from 1º ESO-C.
    I like this text because it talks about equality and that we are all equal. It does not matter if you are a woman or a man, black or white. WE ARE ALL EQUAL

  22. Hi! I’m Tania Rojas from 1Bach C. I think that this videos is very interesting because the woman they can also do men’s jobs. The woman and men are equal and they can do the same jobs.

  23. Hello, I´m Antonio Irizo Ruiz from 1º BTO-C and I like this post

  24. Hi, I'm Claudia Gómez Márquez from 1 BTO C and watching this video made me realise even more of the gender stereotypes that exist. While jobs like police officer and firemen are "for men", teachers and nurses are imagined as women. I think we should make these go, there are some existing movements such as feminism which are already fightung for the erradication of gender stereotypes.

  25. Hello,
    I am Kaoutar Najim and I am from 1º BTO-C.
    I found this video original and represent the reality. It make us think that we shoud educate better our children to have an open mind and both men and men can do any job. It is very sad that this still happening nowadays!

  26. Hello, I´m Francisco José Álvarez Álvarez from 1º BTO B.

    Well, I think it´s something really shocking that only 5 kids drew women and the rest all drew men. This video makes us to realize about the stereotype imposed by our own society in which difficult works are for men and women aren´t able to do it as well as them.

    Once I´ve think about this topic in a more deep way, I believe that if the theacher would say other jobs in relation with cleaning, cooking, etc there would be more than 5 kids who would drawn women instead of men.

    In my opinion, the inequality between genders is something sad and even more stunning after seeing this experiment.

    Tht´s all! Thanks!

  27. Hello, I´m Manuel Jesus Acosta Mellado from 1ºBACH C. In my opinon this video shows the reality, we can see how the children uses the figure of a man for some jobs, specially difficult and risks jobs. I think we should do more activities like this to show children that womens also can do risks works.

  28. Hello, I´m María Payán from 1º BTO-C. I think that is gorgeus video because it show us the reality and it transmit a moral. Most of the people think that the women can´t realise a job because this job is for boys, and it isn´t right. We have to take away our prejudices. Women are the future!!

  29. Hello, my name is José Miguel Jimena from 1ºBto B. I have to tell that it´s a very good video for 8m. Because it represent very well the sthereotips and of course it make us see that women can do everything, which is something we think every one should know abuout it. But there are some people with their eyes closed yet

  30. Hi, I’m Rocío Carrión from 1BTO A. In my opinion, children only draw men like firefighters, surgeons… because they have learnt that these jobs are exclusively for men and not for women. We should live in a society in which all jobs are generalized and there isn’t difference between men and women’s jobs.

  31. Hi! I'm Teresa Ruiz form 1ºB. For me, this video shows a sad reality that we all should try to change. We must educate children with an open mind so they realize that anyone either women or men cand do dangerous and difficult jobs because every body has the same rights. This has to change now and quickly!
    See you!

  32. Hello! I´m Luis Miguel from 1ºBachA and I think the purpose of this video is to show us what children thinks , is stunning that in this era there are still this thinkings . We should think about it and try to change . Nowadays there be more and more women who work in whatever they want so we have the opportunity to create equality and that`s so beautiful

  33. Hi! I’m Nihal from 1º Bach B. I love this video, it’s represent perfectly the reality and I think is very curious how from we were young we predeterminate which jobs are for woman and which for man. To be honest, It’s a high time to educate new generations with open minds and eliminate stereotypes and all the prejudices. It’s time to redraw the balance.

  34. Hi, I'm Alejandro Ramos Martínez from 1°BTO B. It is a wonderful video to show the kids that everyone can do any job if they want. To show we have to stop the sthereotypes and fight against inequality in society and everyone should have the same rights, no matter if you are a men or a woman.

  35. Hi, I'm Alejandro Ramos Martínez from 1°BTO B. It is a wonderful video to show the kids that everyone can do any job if they want. To show we have to stop the sthereotypes and fight against inequality in society and everyone should have the same rights, no matter if you are a men or a woman.

  36. Hi, I'm Cris. Ian. from 1ºBachB and I totally agree with the message they are trying to give, women and men can do the same job. However children don't think the same, and we must change it as the video mention.

  37. Hello! I am Paloma Hidalgo from 1BTO C.

    I like too much this video because it prove us that there aren’t jobs only for men. A woman has the same strenght and intelligence than a man, or in some cases even more.

    So, in conclusion, we don’t have to follow the stereotypes because if you are good in something, you have to follow your dreams without matter the opinion of the people.

    This is all, bye bye! :)

  38. Hello I'm Alicia Palomo from 1°BachC. I think that we have to change the Stereotypes of men and women, because men and women can perform all type of jobs regardless of its gender.

  39. Hello I'm Alicia Palomo from 1°BachC. I think that we have to change the Stereotypes of men and women, because men and women can perform all type of jobs regardless of its gender.

  40. Hello, Im Jose Cáceres from 1ºBTO A,this is sad... I think that we must educate children that nowadays women can work in these jobs like men, there are not diferences. I hope it will change. See you.

  41. Hello I'm Mario Barón from 1ºBTO B. This video is a good example of destroying stereotypes about women and men. I think this video is interesting because they show that to children, and they are the future, so we are building a good future throught them.

  42. I totally agree with Oprah. In my opinión this video reflects the reality of our thoughts nowadays and that is too sad. Children are not culpables in this case. They are actually the victims of our sexist society. Sincé we are very young people teaches us womens can not get some kinds of Jobs. I do not want that future. If a have a daughter I want that she will can to become the job that she prefers.

  43. Hello I am Ehsan from 1°BachB. And after I seeing this video I understand the big inequality that there is in our society with many stereotyps between both genders. Web always think that men have to work and have a job and women should stay at home .That is not true and we have to change it

  44. Hello! I´m Juanjo Bejarano Blanes from 1º Bachillerto A, I agree with the message of this video because shows the sad reality but I think that now is the moment to change it, we must work very hard on pre-school education,perhaps if all the people teach to children that men and women are equality this problem will end.I believe that parents have a important responsability on this point, so they must do well.

  45. Hi! I'm Juan José Valladolid form 1º BTO C.
    From my point of view, society has ancient cultural patterns, in which we must change the type of vision on the current society. Nowadays, society is changing and fighting for equality, without intervening stereotypes.

  46. Hello I am Natalia from 1º ESO-C. I think that it was a very nice video, I think it represents that women are integating into professions that have always been of men because of the physical and risky characteristics that entail.

  47. Hello!!!!!! I am Pablo from 1º BTO B. It is to sad to whatch this kind og things in the year in which we are right now. But I thing that it can be "normal" between young children

  48. Hello, I'm Jonathan Alarcón (1ºBTO B). This video shows how teenagers think some works are for men, and that's wrong. Teachers should teach how women are as important as men. It doesn't depends on gender.

  49. Good afternoon, I'm Marta Cerrato from 1· Bach C. I see this video and I think about the education of boys and girls. I think that we have to change this thinking that we been taught since childhood. This thinking and its change it's everybody's thing.

  50. Hello, I'm Álvaro Cano from 1°Bto A. I think that this video try to change our thinking. Nowadays this topic is really controversial so... I think that it try to show us the reality. All people could be more responsible in this sense. Goodbye.

  51. Hi, I'm Fernando García-Palomo from 1ºBTO A, I saw this video and I love the message it transmits, women must have the same opportunities as men when looking for a job, it's sad that nowadays there are still people who think that some works are exclusively for men, women are capable as men are to do certain jobs.

  52. Hello I´m Marta Almenta Duque from 2 ESO A . I think that this video is very interesting because a woman can be dedicated to all type of Jobs (masculine or feminine)

  53. Hello I am Álvaro Medina from 2 ESO A, I think that this video shows us the reality, that machismo is present in our lives, teachers have to also teach equality between the two sexes and in everything, not only subjects such as language math or English

  54. Hello, I´m Cristina Carrasco from 2ºESO A. It is to sad to watch this video because unfortunately this is that happens every day and I think that we must change the thoughts and realize that women have the same importance as a man.

  55. Hello I'm Andrea from 2 ESO A. This video is fantastic and amazing, in my opinion the people believe that the woman can't do many jobs, but in this video we can see the woman are strong and fantastics.

  56. Hello, I am Lucía from 2ºESO A. I think that this video is fantastic. Many people think that women can´t do some jobs. We have to change this opinion, because women can do the same jobs as men.

  57. Hi! I'm Lucas from second year of ESO and I think that this video show us and make us to think about gender stereotypes. Nowadays in the twenty one century these types of things is so sad and we have to change it. I also think that teachers must to teach us equality between woman and men not only maths or another subjects.

  58. Hi, my is veronica Rocio .From 2°A

    it's beautiful, this video can make many people think

    1. Hello, I'm Almudena Mondaca from 2°Eso A, and in my opinion, I think today's stereotypes are very big, and in this video you can see. Adults educate their children by teaching them which upper professions are male, as well as surgeons, firefighters or aircraft pilots. We can improve this by teaching them from childhood that these jobs can also be carried by women.


  59. In my opinion I think that people should know that womens can be all that we want to,from a firefighter to a cleaning lady.Womens should have the same rights.

  60. Hello,I'm juan from second year of ESO and I think that this video show us that not only the man can do the hard works.

  61. Hello my name is Carmen,from 2°ESO A,because the video seems very interesting because it talks about the dreams of each person and helps them get them, in my opinion it is very interesting.❤️

  62. Hi I'm Luis Carlos , from 2 eso A. I think that this video shows us the reality, that machismo is present in our lives. And the video is very beautiful

  63. Hi, I'm Manuel from 2 Eso A. Te video talk about how the society hace influence to the children to make an idea about the jobs for men and women. In muy opinion, I think that women can be What they want because they are aqual.

  64. The video talk about how the society have influence to the children to make an idea about the jobs for men and women. Un muy opinion, I think that women can be what they want because they are equal that men.

  65. Hello I'm Daniela Huelva from 2°ESO A and I think that thid video is very sad. Is very sad see that children think only about 'men works'. We aren't different in this context. We are the same as they. We are fantastic!

  66. Hi, I'm Donovan from 2 ESO A. men are not the only ones who can be firemen, surgeons etc ...
    some people think otherwise that only men can work on those things but that is not true, in jobs women and men are equal and we can do all the same.

  67. Hello, my name is Laura from 2°B.I think about the vídeo that is very good. I like TVE vídeo because ir reflects inequality, when they tell you that there is a fireman you think first of a man and that you have to change ir because woman are capable of doing the same.


  68. The woman, is a wonderful person if it were not for them the world would not be conmo is that although it may not look like women can set an example of everything and there should be jobs for certain people, men and women should be treated equally and not According to the genre, whenever we imagine a profession we end up doing or drawing a man but that must change.

  69. Hello I´m Tania Rojas de los Santos from 1BTO C.I seeing this video I understand the big inequality that there is in our society with many stereotyps between both genders.I also think that in jobs, women and men are equal and we can do the same.

  70. Hi, i'm ernesto from 2ºB , i think that this video reflects the equality that children should know

  71. it's a demonstration of not being so macho and valuing women.
    I think it's a very nice video

  72. Hello, I´m José Miguel Jimena from 1ºBto B and I coment this video again because every time I watch it I remember that women and men are equal and It´s something very important to remind us every time

  73. Hi, I´m Lucía Beato Domínguez from 1BTO B. In my view, this is an awesome video. With this video we are able to see the way we treat stereotypes. It makes us think (or at list it makes me think) that there are some issues that we need to solve. At the end, it is always the same thing, there are more unresolved problems for women in this society, and we need to do something about it, right now.

  74. Hello !!
    I´m Mª Ángeles from 1BTO B. This video is splendid, which we see gender stereotypes that children have and the education that there is in the world.

    Bye !!

  75. Hello, I'm Alicia Toribio from 1º BACH B.
    From my point of view, it's sad to see since as they us inculcate from small these stereotypes and we diferenciate between jobs for women and men, tha's a pity. From now, we have to change that and share with all that us women are equality as men.

  76. Hi! I’m Andrea Hervás from 1BTO B. I think this video transmit a curious message. It’s very sad that children only drew men for difficult jobs. We have to change this mind and we must educate children in another way. We all have the same rights and we should live in a society where there isn’t difference between men and women jobs.

  77. Hi, I'm Javi Medina from 1BTO B.I think that after watching this video we have all thought about the stereotypes created by a society that is largely racist and classicist. Why a woman can't be a fireman , a child without apparent influence thinks that? I think these are questions that we should all ask ourselves.

    They aren't different in this context.

  78. I'm Raul de la Torre from 1°Bach B. In conclusion of this video, we have a lot of stereothypes. I think when we are kids society, friends or our family, impose on us this kinds of stereothypes. We think that some jobs are made only for mens or only for womens.

  79. Hi, I'm José Manuel Reales from 1ºBTO A and I think that this video is so useful to see how the society influence in your opinion and in your way of see the world and the equality between women and men.

  80. Hello, I´m María Martín from 1ºBTO A. This video is very interesting because it show us the reality in which we live nowadays. A lot of works are seen only for men and this have to change. All of us are equals and can work whatever we want.

  81. Hello, I'm Jose Caceres 1º BTO A Teachers should teach how women are as important as men. It doesn't depends on gender, people still think that only men can work on those things and they are worng!

  82. hy, I am Irene Sánchez from 1ºbto A.
    this video show us how the society are doing a chance in our main, because when someone tell us about profession, we think in men, never we think in women. these are the sad reality. we try to change it.

  83. Hi, I am Antonio irizo from 1bto C and o think this post is awesome, so i am interested in this topic

  84. Hello, I'm Álvaro Cano from 1°Bto A. My conclusion of this video is too simple: the difference that we can see in the child age and in the adult age about steriotipes. It is real nowadays. I think that all men and women have the same rights, so jobs must be equals for everybody. It's very sad. We must do samething about that.

  85. Hi ,I'm Luis Miguel from 1°Bach A bilingual , This video seems to me in which world we live , there are too many prejudices and specially on jobs that we assign to men or women , and what is more sad is that children think so , We have to do something , starting with having a better education , the base of any social change .

  86. Hello, I'm Ana Jiménez from 1º BTO A. this video is quite inspiring and I think that not only teenagers or youth people think that, there are also many elder people who think the same. So I believe that we should start a new generation in which the stereotype that women can not work in certain jobs have to dissapear. In conclusion we are all free to do what we want wether you are male and female.

  87. Hello everyone! I'm Adrián Báñez from 1ªE.
    This video is very interesting and very beautiful. I love this video because it says that women can also work in all.

  88. Hello,I am Natalia Ramirez from 2ESO B,
    This video is very sad because it represents the machismo that continues to happen today.

  89. Hello I'm Juan Francisco of 2º ESO B, this video is intereting, because this video shows that we are equal, no matter how gender we are, we can both men and women alike because a woman can't be a firefighter?... I do not know it but we are the same not different.

  90. Hi! I am José Manuel Reales from 2º BTO A and I found this video so interesting because it shows in what world we live; in a world full of prejudices and discrimintation between women and me. This video has made me think about the society and I think that the society should change furthermore.

  91. Hi, i'm Pablo Alba from 3ºA and i found this video sad and very interesting, because this video show that we are equal, there are too many prejudices and specially on jobs that we assign to men or women. I like very much this video because it says that women can also work in all.


Your opinion matters