I think that travelling abroad is fantastic. You have more experiences, you meet more people and places and you can spend more time with your classmates. Next year, I'll try travel to London !!
Hello,I'm Natalia. I think that the good about traveling is meet people, discover new cultures, learn new languages... And the most important, you can try its meals.
Hi! I'm Lorena from 1°BTO B. These photos bring me many memories because I went to this trip with my class two years ago. It was such an amazing and incredible experience. I learnt about a new culture and met great people. The best day was when we went to London, I enjoied it a lot.
Hi!! I´m José Ignacio from 1BTO B. To learn a language, the best way to do it is to travel abroad to practice it. This type of experience accelerates learning and above all, it is learned in a fun way. In addition, learning a language means learning a new culture and a new way of thinking. All this is learned by living with natives! After the trip, our 3º ESO classmates will surely be more tolerant towards others and above all towards foreigners.
Hi, I'm José Manuel Pichardo from 1º BTO C, when I was in 3º ESO I didn't want to go to the trip, and with over time I realized that I should have gone. My partners say to me that it's a really good travel.
So I recommend that everyone who can travel to England enjoy this experience.
Hi! I'm Claudia Gómez, a student from 1 BTO C. I remember my trip to Peterborough two years ago. Ever since, I've been wanting to go back to the UK. I would love to do this trip again, but don't doubt it, I will visit the UK again!
After seing this photos I have remembered, my trip two years ago, we went to Peterborough. It was a shame not going this years, I liked going to a family house, me cousin and me had the opportunity of speak English with native people, and learn their habits. It was unforgettable.
Hey, I am Pablo Toro from 1º BTO B. I feel so nostalgic about this amazing trip that I had in 3º. I hope that all went good without any problems and you all enjoyed this trip.
Hello I´m Lucas from 2 ESO A and I´m so excited to travel to London next year and I´m also nervous to know the family.Everyone is having a great time in the photos and I hope I will have fun as well.
Hello, I´m Manuel Jesus Acosta from 1º BACH C. I can remember when me and my class did this trip a few years ago. I think is one of the bests trips of the high school. You visit a lot of interesting things and you can learn a lot of english at the academy and with the family. Everyone should go to this country once on his life!
I am Irene Sánchez from 1ºBTO A. I think this trip is the best trip ever,When I went Peterborough was a incredible experience a I never can forguet. I will repeat it if we go to peterborough with the sames teacher and with the sames patners. bye!!!
Hello!!! I am Carmen perez Larios I am from that 1 eso C. I loved go to London whit My parners because is a fantástic and beautifull city and whit My frinds becouse is better than go to alone.Bye!!
Hello, I´m Alicia Palomo MAcías from 1ºBach C. I have never traveled to London but I would like to go, because I like it a lot for its culture but especially for its gastronomy. I truly hope that you have enjoyed your trip a lot.
Hi,I am Rocio and I am from 1c. I think that travelling abroad is very good, because you can learn very well to speak that lenguage. You know the custom of that place, the way of being of other people and many more things. I would like to go to the UK.
I would love to go to London the next year. I think that is a unique experience and I'm sure that we will learn a lot there and we will enjoy a lot too
Hi! I'm Juan José Valladolid Márquez from 1 BTO C. Looking at these photos, I remember my trip to this beautiful place, and I feel longing. In Peterborough, I had a great time with my colleagues where we could also visit other cities such as Cambridge and London. In this last place, we could see the London Eye, Trafalgar Square ... I hope that my classmates of 3º ESO, have had a great time because it is a very well organized excursion and you can see other cultures.
Hi! My name is Juan Antonio Acosta Cáceres from 1º bto C,
I went to this trip three years ago, it was amazing this trip is the best and the most interesting of the ESO, Peteborough was a beautiful city but the best part of the trip was London, there we saw very cool things that we are not used to see in Spain like one of the most beautiful streets like piccadilly circus and the Big Ben too.
Hi! I'm Fátima Barón from 2ºESO A. I like so much these photos from London and Peterborough. Next year I'm going to make the same trip and I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot. I'm so nervous because of the trip but I know I'm going to have a really great time. I hope you enjoyed the trip. Bye!
Hello, I'm Marina from 2 ESO A. The photos are fantastic. I hope that you enjoyed this trip and I also hope I can have the same oportunity the next year. Travelling to England is very good for our English.
Hello I'm Dunia from 3° ESO B , first the photos look beautiful , really are fantastic , I can't wait because this year is my trip to London and I'm nervous and very happy , I will be go , first because I' want practise my english , also we will be visit very tipical places like museum...but I'll be miss my family and my friends.
Hello I'm Sofía Medina from 4° Eso B. I go out in those photos, and my experience in Peterborough was very beautiful and something that you can not miss. I will never forget this trip
Hi, I’m María Ávila from 4ºB.I go out in those photos, because last year I went to this trip, I love it an it was a great experience that I would repeat again.I fell in love with places like London,Peterborough,Cambridge...It’s a trip which I recommend for those students who soon enter in 3º or already are.A greeting and even
Hello! I am a candle of 4th b These photos bring me many memories, now I'm sad because I can not go this year too, but this year I'm going to go to Rome. It was a wonderful trip, my friends and my teachers are the best! I hope that this year my partners of 3ºhave a great time.
Hello! I´m Rocío Ramírez from 4B I went last year to this trip and it was such an amazing experience because I learnt about English and a new culture so I recommend this experience that everyone who can travel because It was unforgettable .
Hi, I'm Nora from 4 ° A. I think this trip was very good because I have learned new customs, another culture and I have improved my English a bit. It was spectacular and I had a great time.
Without a doubt, it was a fantastic trip. I remember everything with longing and desire to be able to return! . England is awesome. Its people, its customs, its places. Everything, absolutely everything. It was an unforgettable experience and full of incredible moments with my friends. I will never forget it!
Hello! I am Brenda Ramos from 4º of eso B, I went to these school trip and I remember my experience, the different activities the day in london and cambridge, my family from peterboroug thar were a fantastic with my friend and me, the london eye, and the big bang ...ect. I did too many photos that I will remain for the story. It was unforgettable experience.
Hi! I'm Gabi from 4B. When I went to the trip last year I was very excited because I've never been in the UK and was my first trip away with friends. I very liked it, I learned a lot of things and I was very happy with the family that my friends and I had. I think that I will never forget this school trip.
I´m Rocío Cabrera from 4 A. I love seeing photos of this experience, in this way I remember good moments that I lived last year in United Kingdom. I liked all cities that we visited, but my favourite day was when we went to London. Although I a little missed my family, I enjoyed a lot each moments with my friends and teachers. It was a incroyable trip! See you son!
Hello, I am yasmina from 4º ESO B, I went to this excursion last year, it was and will be an unforgettable experience, we had a great time, I was very happy with my family, since they treated us very well, I hope to have another small trip with my friends, and have another unforgettable experience like this with them
Hello, Last year, I traveled with my classmates to London, we not only visited London, we were also in Cambrigde, Peterborugh ... It was a very fun and exciting trip. I recommend it to everyone who has the possibility to go.
Hi! I´m Antonio Betanzos from 4ºESO B. I remember I was very nervous and excited when we were going to take the bus to the airport, because we were going to another country. There in UK, we visited some places like London and Cambridge, which are very beautifull places. It was a very fun trip because we were with our classmates. I recommend it to everyone.
Hello! I am Victoria Fernández from 4A. These photos remind me of the beautiful experience I had with my friends and teachers. I recommend this trip because apart from improving your English, you learn other cultures and customs, you have a great time and you meet new people.
Hello, my name is Cristina Albarrán Núñez from 4º A. Last April I went to this trip. This is a great opportunity to improve your English and learn about other country. You visit many places of England in a short time so It is a bit tired, however It is worth it, all the places are beautiful and didactic. I remenber that I felt really nervous because It was my first time I left Spain, but the teachers helped me a lot. In the end It was a beautiful, funny and didactic trip. I recommend it to all students who are thinking about doing it
Hello, my name is Cristina Albarrán Núñez from 4º A. Last April I went to this trip. This is a great opportunity to improve your English and learn about other country. You visit many places of England in a short time so It is a bit tired, however It is worth it, all the places are beautiful and didactic. I remenber that I felt really nervous because It was my first time I left Spain, but the teachers helped me a lot. In the end It was a beautiful, funny and didactic trip. I recommend it to all students who are thinking about doing it
Hello, I'm Fátima Barón from 3ºESO A. Next year, in April, I'll go to this trip and I'm so exciting because it will be my first time travelling abroad with friends. I went to London 3 years ago and I loved it a lot so I hope this trip is the same or more special.
Hello, my name is Carmen Aragón Quintero from 3ºA this photos are very beautiful, this trip is a great opportunity to learn the language, and relate to people from different places, this year , my group goes to London and we are very eager to know what it is liked, I hope it is quite entertaining and fun, I really want to go! This is all.
Hello, my name is Lucía Sánchez from 3 ESO A. I´m going to go to London next year and I´m very excited to meet the family and also news cultures and places. In the photo, everyone had a great time there and I hope have a great time too.
Hi, I'm donovan. The trip to London has to be wonderful, since you can meet new people, develop the language better, see their culture and customs, museums, etc. I'm wishing to go
Hi, I'm donovan. The trip to London has to be wonderful, since you can meet new people, develop the language better, see their culture and customs, museums, etc. I'm wishing to go
Hi, I'm Pedro from 4ºEso A, that trip to UK have been one of the best experiences that i have, we really enjoy it and the photos bring me a lot of memories and i recommend to the 3Eso students to go baecause is an unique experience, and if you are scare dont worry because i was scare too but i decide to go and im happy about that decition.
Welcome to this blog that the teachers in the bilingual section have created for all of you. Here you will find interesting links, dictionaries, videos, texts, vocabulary, curiosities... It is also a meeting point for the students in the bilingual groups. Your collaboration and participation is of course very important and we are very interested in your opinions. We hope you enjoy it and have a lot of fun!!!
I think that travelling abroad is fantastic. You have more experiences, you meet more people and places and you can spend more time with your classmates. Next year, I'll try travel to London !!
ResponderEliminarHello,I'm Natalia. I think that the good about traveling is meet people, discover new cultures, learn new languages... And the most important, you can try its meals.
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Elisabeth from 1º bto A
ResponderEliminarI hope you have enjoyed the trip and that it has helped you to know the world and be a little more independent.
Hi! I'm Lorena from 1°BTO B. These photos bring me many memories because I went to this trip with my class two years ago. It was such an amazing and incredible experience. I learnt about a new culture and met great people. The best day was when we went to London, I enjoied it a lot.
ResponderEliminarHi!! I´m José Ignacio from 1BTO B.
ResponderEliminarTo learn a language, the best way to do it is to travel abroad to practice it. This type of experience accelerates learning and above all, it is learned in a fun way.
In addition, learning a language means learning a new culture and a new way of thinking. All this is learned by living with natives!
After the trip, our 3º ESO classmates will surely be more tolerant towards others and above all towards foreigners.
Hi, I'm José Manuel Pichardo from 1º BTO C, when I was in 3º ESO I didn't want to go to the trip, and with over time I realized that I should have gone. My partners say to me that it's a really good travel.
ResponderEliminarSo I recommend that everyone who can travel to England enjoy this experience.
Hi! I'm Claudia Gómez, a student from 1 BTO C. I remember my trip to Peterborough two years ago. Ever since, I've been wanting to go back to the UK. I would love to do this trip again, but don't doubt it, I will visit the UK again!
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Mario Barón from 1ºBTO B.
ResponderEliminarAfter seing this photos I have remembered, my trip two years ago, we went to Peterborough. It was a shame not going this years, I liked going to a family house, me cousin and me had the opportunity of speak English with native people, and learn their habits. It was unforgettable.
Hi,I'm Catalin from 2ºESO B,I want a trip in UK too.I think it's a good experience!I can't wait to the next year!
ResponderEliminarHey, I am Pablo Toro from 1º BTO B. I feel so nostalgic about this amazing trip that I had in 3º. I hope that all went good without any problems and you all enjoyed this trip.
ResponderEliminarHello I´m Lucas from 2 ESO A and I´m so excited to travel to London next year and I´m also nervous to know the family.Everyone is having a great time in the photos and I hope I will have fun as well.
ResponderEliminarHello, I´m Manuel Jesus Acosta from 1º BACH C. I can remember when me and my class did this trip a few years ago. I think is one of the bests trips of the high school. You visit a lot of interesting things and you can learn a lot of english at the academy and with the family. Everyone should go to this country once on his life!
ResponderEliminarI am Irene Sánchez from 1ºBTO A.
ResponderEliminarI think this trip is the best trip ever,When I went Peterborough was a incredible experience a I never can forguet.
I will repeat it if we go to peterborough with the sames teacher and with the sames patners.
Hi, my name is Antonio Irizo and i hope all of you had a good trip
ResponderEliminarHi! I am Jaime, I am a student from first of ESO,I want to visit London because I love this city and I want to learn more english
ResponderEliminarsome very cool photos, wishing to go next year
ResponderEliminarI am Carmen perez Larios I am from that 1 eso C. I loved go to London whit My parners because is a fantástic and beautifull city and whit My frinds becouse is better than go to alone.Bye!!
Hello, I´m Marta Cerrato from 1ªBach C
ResponderEliminarI´m glad that the students of 3ª ESO had a good time and enjoyed their trip to London.
It seems that they had a great time there. I would like going the next year with my friends and we will have a great time there.
ResponderEliminarHello I am Marta from 2eso A .I think that this travel is very beautiful and very funny.
ResponderEliminarHello, I´m Alicia Palomo MAcías from 1ºBach C.
ResponderEliminarI have never traveled to London but I would like to go, because I like it a lot for its culture but especially for its gastronomy. I truly hope that you have enjoyed your trip a lot.
Hi,I am Rocio and I am from 1c. I think that travelling abroad is very good, because you can learn very well to speak that lenguage. You know the custom of that place, the way of being of other people and many more things. I would like to go to the UK.
ResponderEliminarHello I'm Álvaro from 2°ESO A,I Hope that you enjoy the trip,I can see your Happy faces in the photos,I really want go and enjoy London like you
ResponderEliminarI´m Andrea from 2ESO A, the pictures are beautiful and I´d love to go the next year
ResponderEliminarThe second photo is very interestin because the Tower Bridge is very big and de estudents are very small. I like this photp
ResponderEliminarI would love to go to London the next year. I think that is a unique experience and I'm sure that we will learn a lot there and we will enjoy a lot too
ResponderEliminarHi! I'm Adrián Báñez from 1ªE.
ResponderEliminarThis travel is fantastic and the photos are amazing! I love London!
Hi! I'm Juan José Valladolid Márquez from 1 BTO C. Looking at these photos, I remember my trip to this beautiful place, and I feel longing. In Peterborough, I had a great time with my colleagues where we could also visit other cities such as Cambridge and London. In this last place, we could see the London Eye, Trafalgar Square ...
ResponderEliminarI hope that my classmates of 3º ESO, have had a great time because it is a very well organized excursion and you can see other cultures.
Hi! My name is Juan Antonio Acosta Cáceres from 1º bto C,
ResponderEliminarI went to this trip three years ago, it was amazing this trip is the best and the most interesting of the ESO, Peteborough was a beautiful city but the best part of the trip was London, there we saw very cool things that we are not used to see in Spain like one of the most beautiful streets like piccadilly circus and the Big Ben too.
It's a fantastic place! I want to go here! Next year I'll go with mi partners. I'm very nervous!
ResponderEliminarHi! I'm Fátima Barón from 2ºESO A. I like so much these photos from London and Peterborough. Next year I'm going to make the same trip and I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot. I'm so nervous because of the trip but I know I'm going to have a really great time.
ResponderEliminarI hope you enjoyed the trip. Bye!
Hello! In third I would like to go to London because it is a very beautiful city and because it is a good city to learn English.
Hi! I'm Laura from 1 ESO C. I think that the tripe to London is a very special sperience has in the school. Is very beautiful and cool!!
ResponderEliminarHello,I am Maria Diaz from 1ESO C. I want to go London because I think this city is amazig and you can speak very well.
ResponderEliminarThe next year it is our turn to go to the trip,I am very exited about it,at the photos they look very happy,I think that the enjoyed it
ResponderEliminarHi! I am Luis Carlos Ramos from 2 eso a. Next year I will go with my family and friends. It Very beautiful city.
ResponderEliminarHi, I'm Donovan from 2 ESO A. The photos are very nice, I'm looking forward to going
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Marina from 2 ESO A. The photos are fantastic. I hope that you enjoyed this trip and I also hope I can have the same oportunity the next year. Travelling to England is very good for our English.
ResponderEliminarHello I'm Dunia from 3° ESO
ResponderEliminarB , first the photos look beautiful , really are fantastic , I can't wait because this year is my trip to London and I'm nervous and very happy , I will be go , first because I' want practise my english , also we will be visit very tipical places like museum...but I'll be miss my family and my friends.
Hello I'm Sofía Medina from 4° Eso B.
ResponderEliminarI go out in those photos, and my experience in Peterborough was very beautiful and something that you can not miss. I will never forget this trip
Hi, I’m María Ávila from 4ºB.I go out in those photos, because last year I went to this trip, I love it an it was a great experience that I would repeat again.I fell in love with places like London,Peterborough,Cambridge...It’s a trip which I recommend for those students who soon enter in 3º or already are.A greeting and even
ResponderEliminarHello! I am a candle of 4th b
ResponderEliminarThese photos bring me many memories, now I'm sad because I can not go this year too, but this year I'm going to go to Rome. It was a wonderful trip, my friends and my teachers are the best! I hope that this year my partners of 3ºhave a great time.
Hello! I´m Rocío Ramírez from 4B
ResponderEliminarI went last year to this trip and it was such an amazing experience because I learnt about English and a new culture so I recommend this experience that everyone who can travel because It was unforgettable .
Hi, I'm Nora from 4 ° A. I think this trip was very good because I have learned new customs, another culture and I have improved my English a bit. It was spectacular and I had a great time.
ResponderEliminarHi everyone! I am Paula Cabrera from 4.A.
ResponderEliminarWithout a doubt, it was a fantastic trip. I remember everything with longing and desire to be able to return! . England is awesome. Its people, its customs, its places. Everything, absolutely everything. It was an unforgettable experience and full of incredible moments with my friends. I will never forget it!
Hello! I am Brenda Ramos from 4º of eso B, I went to these school trip and I remember my experience, the different activities the day in london and cambridge, my family from peterboroug thar were a fantastic with my friend and me, the london eye, and the big bang ...ect. I did too many photos that I will remain for the story. It was unforgettable experience.
ResponderEliminarHi! I'm Gabi from 4B. When I went to the trip last year I was very excited because I've never been in the UK and was my first trip away with friends. I very liked it, I learned a lot of things and I was very happy with the family that my friends and I had. I think that I will never forget this school trip.
ResponderEliminarI´m Rocío Cabrera from 4 A.
ResponderEliminarI love seeing photos of this experience, in this way I remember good moments that I lived last year in United Kingdom.
I liked all cities that we visited, but my favourite day was when we went to London.
Although I a little missed my family, I enjoyed a lot each moments with my friends and teachers. It was a incroyable trip!
See you son!
Hello, I am yasmina from 4º ESO B, I went to this excursion last year, it was and will be an unforgettable experience, we had a great time, I was very happy with my family, since they treated us very well, I hope to have another small trip with my friends, and have another unforgettable experience like this with them
ResponderEliminarHello, Last year, I traveled with my classmates to London, we not only visited London, we were also in Cambrigde, Peterborugh ... It was a very fun and exciting trip. I recommend it to everyone who has the possibility to go.
ResponderEliminarHi! I´m Antonio Betanzos from 4ºESO B. I remember I was very nervous and excited when we were going to take the bus to the airport, because we were going to another country. There in UK, we visited some places like London and Cambridge, which are very beautifull places. It was a very fun trip because we were with our classmates. I recommend it to everyone.
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Manuel Sánchez Gómez from 4°A. I had a great time on the trip, I would like to repeat it. It is a very good experience
ResponderEliminarHi I'm Rocío Bazán Morales from 4º ESO B. I loved meeting new things and making more friends, and I hope to return someday.
ResponderEliminarHello! I am Victoria Fernández from 4A.
ResponderEliminarThese photos remind me of the beautiful experience I had with my friends and teachers. I recommend this trip because apart from improving your English, you learn other cultures and customs, you have a great time and you meet new people.
Hello, my name is Cristina Albarrán Núñez from 4º A. Last April I went to this trip. This is a great opportunity to improve your English and learn about other country. You visit many places of England in a short time so It is a bit tired, however It is worth it, all the places are beautiful and didactic. I remenber that I felt really nervous because It was my first time I left Spain, but the teachers helped me a lot. In the end It was a beautiful, funny and didactic trip. I recommend it to all students who are thinking about doing it
ResponderEliminarHello, my name is Cristina Albarrán Núñez from 4º A. Last April I went to this trip. This is a great opportunity to improve your English and learn about other country. You visit many places of England in a short time so It is a bit tired, however It is worth it, all the places are beautiful and didactic. I remenber that I felt really nervous because It was my first time I left Spain, but the teachers helped me a lot. In the end It was a beautiful, funny and didactic trip. I recommend it to all students who are thinking about doing it
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Fátima Barón from 3ºESO A.
ResponderEliminarNext year, in April, I'll go to this trip and I'm so exciting because it will be my first time travelling abroad with friends.
I went to London 3 years ago and I loved it a lot so I hope this trip is the same or more special.
Hello, my name is Carmen Aragón Quintero from 3ºA this photos are very beautiful, this trip is a great opportunity to learn the language, and relate to people from different places, this year , my group goes to London and we are very eager to know what it is liked, I hope it is quite entertaining and fun, I really want to go! This is all.
ResponderEliminarHello, my name is Lucía Sánchez from 3 ESO A. I´m going to go to London next year and I´m very excited to meet the family and also news cultures and places. In the photo, everyone had a great time there and I hope have a great time too.
ResponderEliminarHello my name is Sonia from 3ºESO A. I am already looking forward to go and enjoy the academy and everything we visit
ResponderEliminarHi, my Name Is Asen Plamenov
ResponderEliminarI think that this Is a good opportunity to add another country that i visited
Hello I'm Daniel from 3°ESO A and I think this travelling it's very interesting because we have got news experiences and new friends in london
ResponderEliminarHi, I'm donovan. The trip to London has to be wonderful, since you can meet new people, develop the language better, see their culture and customs, museums, etc. I'm wishing to go
ResponderEliminarHi, I'm donovan. The trip to London has to be wonderful, since you can meet new people, develop the language better, see their culture and customs, museums, etc. I'm wishing to go
ResponderEliminarHi, I'm Juan José from 3 ° B. I'm looking forward to the trip to London. I think it will be a unique experience with my colleagues.
ResponderEliminarHi, I'm Pedro from 4ºEso A, that trip to UK have been one of the best experiences that i have, we really enjoy it and the photos bring me a lot of memories and i recommend to the 3Eso students to go baecause is an unique experience, and if you are scare dont worry because i was scare too but i decide to go and im happy about that decition.
ResponderEliminarHello! I am kevin of 4 ° A. I participated last year in this trip and it was an unforgettable experience, I advise everyone to visit this country.
ResponderEliminarHello I am Claudio from 1d and I like very much this photos so I'd like to be there