miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019


Hi everyone,

Here is our contribution to raise awareness  of gender violence. Antonio Banderas is  UN goodwill ambassador for the fight against poverty, empowering women and protecting the environment. In this video he gives terrible figures and statistics and he asks you to do something. What can you do?

65 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Rocío Ramírez from 1BTO
    I think that these types of videos are very important for people to realize what is happening, because
    I didn't use to think about this important problem.

  2. Hi, this is Iván García from 1st Bach. A. In my opinion, society did not use to think about gender violence due to machismo until recently. We must change society by teaching children mutual respect, because they are the future and we cannot continue to allow these things to happen.

  3. Hello, this is Antonio Alcocer of 1ºbchto c.
    This video is so profound and quite necessary nowadays and I agree whit Antonio Banderas, we have to stop that now. The actual situation is disgusting and there still being rude monsters that abuse, rape and kill women every day. It's true that in the past the humanity didn't use to be worried about gender violence, but in my opinion, all the fear that we have about this problem is not the correct form to avoid and end with this violence. I think that the only possible way to finish with this scourge is give importance to a humanitarian education. If we start to teach that all of us are equal and that to be woman or man is only a genetic condition, we will create a new world where the differences between women and men disappear (and this will be the first step towards a world without gender violence).
    People used to think that the way of change this situation of inequality was to do great manifestation and a lot of minutes in TV talking about the gender violence. I have to say that this is not the correct way. The equality will be make with each little ordinary action that we can do togheter (men and women), the equality will be reached when everyone lose our fears of be lonely in the street one night, the equiality will arrived when we find the solution, because currently we didn´t find it. The solution is not in feminist girls, the solution is not in women and, obviously, the solution is not in men: the solution is in the humanity, in people. If we try to divide us it will be impossible to reach the solution.

  4. I thought there used to be less violence against women, which was wrong, and the brothel data is one of the worst, we're getting back to antiquity, and that can't be

    I would do anything for them, but all I can do is educate my children so that in the future that does not happen.

    I hope this problem is resolved as soon as possible.

  5. Hello, this is Cristina Albarran from 1ºBTO A.
    People used to see violence against women normal. In the past women used to serve to care for the house and children, so ancient and sexist society didn't use women as people with rights, but were only objects of the house, which could be used as men would like. However, the feminist revolution came in favor of the uprising of women as equality for men. Nowdays we keep fighting against the sexist violence and people like Antonio help to visualize that violence or contempt for women isn't normal and also he tells us that there are women who are suffering for being, so we must keep fighting.

  6. Hi, this is Andrdea Pérez Pérez from 1ºBTO A.
    People did use to think that gender violence is only physical abuse, but we currently know that psychological abuse and insults are also gender violence, and we have to raise awareness of all people and the best way to do that is to give a good education to everybody. We can't be silent, together we can change it.

  7. Hello, this is Paula MArtínez from 1ºbto A.
    In my opinion, making visible gender violence and its consecuences is very important since people didn't use to think about this because in the past our society was more sexist than nowadays and it was normal for men to treat women badly. With the arrival of the feminism, people are getting more and more used to fight for the political, social and economic rights for women so we can have the same rights as men. We can do it!

  8. Hi, this is María Báñez from 1º Bto A.
    We are in a society in which gender violence is increasingly heard, I am not sure if this is good or bad. I'm almost sure that most of the girls have been afraid to go alone in the street, but I can't stop asking, why do we have to feel afraid of being beaten, kidnapped or even raped?I used to walk quietly back home, but now it has almost become a problem.In my opinion, girls shouldn't learn to defend themselves, we should mainly educate ourselves properly and teach not to rape. But above all, we are all equal, regardless of your gender, origin or sexual orientation.
    The message he has given us has caught my attention: "If you see something, do something", I am surprised because we only see gender violence when it is too late to see it. We only focus on physical violence, when there are blows, blood, and even death. But when there is psychological violence, sometimes it seems even fun, with this type of violence I mean shouting, humiliation, and even a compliment to the girl in front. I would like everyone to act before it can be too late.
    We didn't used to worry about this kind of problem, but with everything we've got to get, we're not going to give up and we're going to keep fighting for all this to end.
    Remember that the solution is not to upload a photo supporting,it is when we act.

  9. Hello my name is Laura from 4B, I think that this video is not necessary because all the persons know that this problem. We have to eliminate the machism and the violence because is bad. All the persons have the same rights and no persons have to touch, abuse and kill other because isn't his body and all the people can do that they want with her body and her life.

  10. Hello my name is Lorena from 4 eso B and my personal opinion is we must stop the gender violence because with this we create a lot of improves and make a better world.

  11. Hello, I'm José Manuel Mellado from 1°A BTO.This type of video is very necessary as well as important, because the people used to think that the violence isn't only physical, but also is psychologyc. In my opinion the most important thing is educate the next generations and instill in them this topic. The differences between men and women must disappear and for that to happen we must all do our part.

  12. Hi, this is Lucas Botrán from 1ºBTO A.
    I´m completely agree with Antonio Banderas, it have to stop now because we can´t deal with like that. Most of sixty percent of women is a crazy number to have an experiencie of abuse. Before, the women used to traffic were so much but even the number of girls trafficked are a greatest number. In conclusion, it should changed if we wanna to do a better world.

  13. Hello, I'm Elena from 4B. I'm totally agree with Antonio Banderas because the women are the same as men and we don't have to be trafficked or other poor situations similir to these. As is not a NO, and if there is no yes, it is also a NO. We have to stop this as soon as possible and we are in time to get what we want. There is an expression in the video that has caught my attention and that phrase is: "If you see something, do something". Not all abuses are physical, they are also psyhcological among others and from my point of view, the phychological is the most painful because it is ending with you until you can not longer. Many times we are fancing a clear of violence but of course, since it is not a physical violence, isn't important. Please, REFLECT.

  14. Goodevening this is Alberto Garcia from 1° bach C. I think taht this video its so interesting like others hundred of videos against the violence of gendre. I will proupose one thing, we must to fight together to foward against the violent without genders, ideologies,politician marketing,race,sex and ism. We must apart our differences to fight against all type of violence.

  15. Hello, this is Lydia from 1BTOC.
    For me, it's unbelievable that we're still in this situation. Of course we have changed our minds a bit, since women used to have less rights than now but there are still countries where they don't even have them. We have to help women and girls who suffer this day by day. We have to reach a world where we are not afraid to go down the street alone. We have to teach not to rape instead of self defense. And we have to start giving it the importance it deserves. In the video, Antonio Banderas says "if you see something, do something" but sometimes, we can't see gender violence, so we have to teach children so they can distinguish it and not practice it.

  16. Hi, this is Bianca Fioreanu form 1btoA
    I think this types of videos are very important now days to make visible all the violence against women around the world.
    Formerly, people used to believe that that violence was normal, because is what they were thought, even the women thought it was normal! Thankfully that ideas are falling behind, but we are not there yet sadly.
    But even if I agree with the divulgation of this types of videos I think that this way is a little bit wrong. Women don't have to be your mother, sister or daughter to respect them. Also, I think that the name of the person who give the message it is not important in this case more than the message itself.

  17. Hi, I'm Rocío Bañez from 1° BTO C.
    This video makes me stop to reflect on the society in which we live today. It seems that for the defenders of sexist violence, we attack or offend other people ...
    But we could stop to see the percentages presented to us in the video. It is shocking to see that more than half of women have suffered from abuse or harassment, and we are not talking only about adult women, also teenagers up to 16 years old.
    In my opinion, we should take these issues seriously and not take them as small disputes or attacks made on men, we are portraying a reality that few believe.

  18. Hello, this is José Miguel Bañez from 1 BTO-A. In the society in which we live this is very momentous, also what the video talks about is important as it is true. We must fight for this to end gender violence. Although women are the most affected in this area, we must also point out that there men who also suffer and need help.
    We didn't used to worry about this kind of problem. But now we must support those people in is fight to end that violence.
    Remember that to end this at once we must not ignore what happens we must support them.

  19. Hi, this is Pedro Martin from 1ºBto A.
    I'm very agree with Antonio Banderas's speech, it's true that gender violence is increasing, but in the past there were a lot of gender violence but we used to omit it. The phrase "if you see something, do something", i'm not agree at all beacuse gender violence start before physical violence and we have to give a solution starting at that point. I don't really think changing the law or going to protests is the solution, we have to educate ourselves and respect eachother, it doesn't matter the genre, race or religious thought.

  20. Hi, this is Gabi from 1ºBTO C. My opinion is that all of us are equals, everyone has the same right to live freely, regardless man, woman or child. Nobody has the right to harm verbal or nonverbal communication another person. I think that the bullying is the principal world problem-at school, at work, on the street... and the problem is that when somebody suffer nobody defend him. In my opinion, I think that we must talk and be sympathetic with everyone for resolve this problem. I didn't use to be worried about that until I started going scared on the street and I think that none woman likes that condition.

  21. Hi, I'm Laura Palomo from 2º BTO A.
    In my opinion, I think this video is quite necessary today and I agree with Antonio Banderas, we have to stop it now. Today we live in a society in which the words gender violence are heard more and more. I think that this should change now and that society should move forward since since childhood they are not told that they should treat a woman well, they simply play with guns and cars, while girls are told that Do not walk alone on the street, be very careful, etc. These are the reasons why women are afraid to go alone on the street, because they can rape us, kidnap, etc.
    I think we are all equal, regardless of gender, origin or sexual orientation.
    I think that in cases of violence we should not be so afraid and seek help as soon as possible so that the number of victims decreases because it is so sad that in the 21st century the mentality of society is this.
    Finally, in conclusion, I think that the solution is not in feminist girls, the solution is not in women and, obviously, the solution is not in men: the solution is in humanity, in people. If we try to divide, it will be impossible to reach the solution.

  22. Hello, this is Rocío Cabrera from 1BTO A.
    Today is a spectacular day to remember the women struggled to get the current society and to remember to women died because of a man. When I was a child I didn't use to think about many problems that women stand each day. And nowdays each time I go out alone, without regard the hour of day I usually have fear. This is quite dissapointing. I would like to stop this problems, and I hope can struggle with this.
    To my mind the best and the most suitable to stamp out violence against women is teaching it since we are young in schools. And even make to a subject dedicated specially to address these matters. REMEMBER IF YOU SEE SOMETHING DO SOMETHING.

  23. Hello,Im Gema Serrano from 1btoC.
    I think these videos are very important to give visibility to this problem because not long time ago peopleused to see gender violence normal, but this is changing and thanks to the feminist movement many men and women are trying to eradicate this act so atrocious in which we are killed or abused both physically and psychologically by the simple fact of being women. I hope this is over very soon.

  24. Hi, this is María García from 1° BTO C.
    In my opinion people thinks that the violence of genre isn't as important as it really is. On one hand, It's true that there are many false allegations, but this happens only in a few ocasions. We have to learn that the violence of genre it's of womens and mens. A lot of mens believes that if they tell their experiences of this cases, the people won't believe them.
    On another hand, I think that since childhood, we should teach children what is the feminism and that isn't the opposite of machismo. So that in that way, this can stop early.

  25. This is Victoria Fernández from 1 BTO A. I think that these types of videos are really necessary to continue raising awareness in society, since years ago there used to be too much knowledge about this very important issue. Currently all people are aware of the violence towards women but that is not enough as it is still happening. There is not only physical violence but also psychological. I think that at least all women have been victims of gender violence, we have all been afraid to return home, we have all told our friends to let us know when they arrive or we have been talking on the phone so that none go alone on the street. This should end and to get it we have to fight. Please, if you see any type of violence, don't silent and do your part to end this.

  26. Hi, this is Paula Cabrera from 1 ° BTO A.
    This video is quite necessary and important in today's society due to the large number of cases of gender violence that there are day after day.
    In the past, people didn't use to think about the importance of these facts, since in past society people used to place men above women, it has always been that way. We used to think that because we were women we would have less rights, and besides, we were dominated by men. Gender violence and sexist violence used to be the leading cause of death for women. At present, these cases use to be less common and each time society is more advanced. I hope that in the future all the problems I have mentioned above will not happen and gender violence has no meaning.

  27. Hi, this is Bianca from 1st Bto C.
    People used to think that female chauvinism is absolutely common in this world. We used to fight this issue for a lot of time, however people are doing nothing about this subject. Females are treated like an object, they say that we are only useful for caring our children and the household. That is intolerable to me! I wouldn't accept that discrimination ever. We used to be afraid in the past, we didn't even have the right to vote or to say something in the contrary of our husband. But now is the time to stand up and to something. Fight for us,cure all of our suffering and reborn being a new female.

  28. Hello, this is Adrian from 1 Bto C.
    Is true than there is more than 60% of womans dying actually and with you about resolve this type of problem, but the problem is not only the man, is the person in general, is the humanity who need to resolve it, and if we are all together, we can!.
    I asked for an advice to my min and she remembered when in the past so much woman's and childs were dying so much more than now.
    In conclusion: we need to fight together to resolve this problem in our society.

  29. Hi, this is Tanya from 1st of bachillerato A.
    I think this video has a pretty important message. People didn't use to believe that gender violence was something negative. Unfortunately, there is still a huge part of the society who have those ideas. We need to change it and teach everyone not to be quiet when they see violence, but the most relevant thing is not to do it.

  30. Hello I'm Juan Francisco from 4°ESO B, I think this video is importante because it explains the reality, I think me must defend the women around the world. Unfortunately this doesn't appear in all over the world. The people think that they are alone but a little thing of everyone is a big step

  31. Hi, I'm Ado from 4th B.
    I think this is a really important topic to talk about. Even if it's improved compared to some years ago, we still need to fight against machism and try to change the situation women from every part of the world are suffering in their everyday lives. That's why I think videos like this one make a difference, reaching people who maybe weren't well informed about this topic.

  32. Hello I´m Andrea from 4ºB.
    I think this video is quite important and everyone must see it, because we need to stop this situacion of violence, and people should be informated. Also it is helpful that a famous person, like in this case Antonio Banderas, send this types of mesages because he can get the attencion from a lot of people around the world. Finally in my opinion I believe that we need to stay together to stop this unfair situation of gender violence.

  33. Hello, I'm Isabel from 1st of bachillerato B. I think that this video is very important because he says facts that are happening right now, at present, that are bad and must be changed. I think it's time for things to go better and for people to change that way of thinking.

  34. Hi, I'm Alvaro Ordoñez from the 4ESO B class. Antonio Banderas is absolutely right. If this were a television ad, it might influence people as an actor says it and it is not said by a person who nobody knows. It is good to explain to us what happens day by day. hopefully we change the way we think and stop doing it

  35. Hi, I'm Esther Rocío from 4º Eso A.
    I think it's necessary to stand up against the gender violence to stop it. This video has a really important message to mentalize people.
    In the past that violence was common but now we can do something. We have to fight together to make gender violence disappear, and if we cooperate we are going to get it soon.

  36. Hi, I'm Elisabeth Díaz from 2nd of bachillerato A.
    From my point of view, I think that it's a very current topic that should be discussed more frequently in schools. Men also have to be supporters of this fight, because they are the main ones who can stop this problem.The fact that a woman is free doesn't mean that it's used as any object. In general, union make force. Women are people just like men and we have the same rights. As a woman, I join this fight with the aim of evolution towards a totally equality society!

  37. Hi! I´m Ana Lopez from 2bach A

    I think this video is quite interesting to be able to fight against all this violence.
    I also see that this video is shared in all social networks so that everyone can be informed of this special video.
    In my opinion I think it is necessary that we all be together and fight for this gender violence

  38. I understand that in those situations you are afraid to talk or contend with some celebrity, friend, police... but the easiest way to fight these facts is to be, because if you don't say anything it's going to be worse since no one could help you. Asiq you have to be brave and not be afraid of these situations, you have to have strength and will for no one else to happen to you.
    Esther Lagares 2ºA E.S.O

  39. Hello, this is Ale Baragan from 1 Bach B.
    In my opinion, this video is very good to show people that there is still gender violence, because not long ago people used to see gender violence normal,although today there should be no gender violence.

  40. Hello, my name is María Ávila from 1º BTO B.I very much agree with what Antonio Banderas says in this video.We have to promote campaigns and more campaigns than there are, so that we can change that machismo thought that many people have, both men and women too.We have to raise our voice and not let machismo win.

    To be respected by the street, and to the one who doesn't, don’t shut up!
    María Ávila

  41. Hi my name is Adriana from 2º BTO group B and in my opinion, people are increasingly aware of gender violence, what should be done and what not. Even so, unfortunately, there are still people who mistreat, abuse, mutilate women and girls all over the world and it´s important to continue in the fight against this horrible violence. I think that international figures, such as Antonio Banderas, send this type of message can reach more people and it seems magnificent for me to try to help collaborating with associations and contributing to their own image. We are all involved in this fight, we all have a mother, grandmother, sister, cousin and all of them will have suffered some kind of violence due to being a woman at some time in their life. This situation should end as soon as possible, we are all the same. For a world with gender equality

  42. Hi, I`m José María López from 2BTO Band in my opinion, we must be aware of this struggle for women's rights, the numbers are there and we cannot deny them, by hiring famous actors such as Antonio Banderas it is possible to get this fight to reach more people and thus be able to change this situation.

  43. Hi, my name is Lola from the 2° ESO A.I think what Antonio Banderas says in the video is the whole truth and we all have to be aware.

  44. Hi, my name is Fernando Espina and I am from 2ºBACH B.
    To start with, gender violence is one of the biggest fights existing all over the world. There are lot of women who have suffered gender violence and it is incomprehensible. That´s why men who do it aren´t real men as Antonio Banderas said well. So we have to stop it, and we can stop it acting, if we see anything we have to act, to report, to help women, and we also have to keep in mind that we all are equal, we all have the same rights and duties. And that´s the problem, unluckly there are men who think that we aren´t not equal, they think they are above women and that´s not that way. We can´t ignore the reality, we have to react and change this injustice.

  45. Hi, I'm Natalia From 4ESO B, in my opinion this kind of videos is necessary to make people aware that problems like gender violence are happening today and we don't want to give them the importance they need

  46. Hello, I’m María del Mar Ojeda from 2º BTO A.
    We are in a society in which gender violence is increasing very hard. I'm sure that the majority of the girls have been afraid to walk alone in the street more than once in their lifes. That fact is unfair, why do we have to feel afraid just for been a woman? It’s unbelievable that go back home will be a difficult assignment.
    In my point of view, girls shouldn't learn to defend themselves, we should mainly educate man to avoid gender violence and teach them we are all equal without take care of gender, sexual orientation or the way as a woman wears.
    On the other hand, I think we have the obligation to report all people who cause violence, because if we don’t do that, we are an accomplice. It doesn’t matter if it’s physicological or physical violence. We have to act facing violence.
    To sump up, we should eradicate male chauvinism though a feminist education in schools.

    Bye! See you in class :)

  47. Hello,I'm Andrea Jiménez from 2°BACH D. In my opinion, this video can be important to make people realize about the reality of the women. For the simple reason that we are women we have to be careful because this kind of things happen every day and everywhere, and I think this is too sad and we have to fight to change it.We believe that we have reach the equality but this is not true and you only have to watch the news on TV to realize. The most scary thing for me is that sexual abuse is becoming a kind of "fashion" between some young men because they think it's cool and they made laught of it like this wasn't important.The physical and psychological abuse in the couple leave important physical and mental consequences in the abused person, in case she manages to get out of the abuse and she's not a victim of murder. It is important to educate men and women in equality and this video it's a good idea because Antonio Banderas, who is a men and is famous, is telling to them that the abuse isn't right and it have to end because the woman who suffer abuse first, is a person and no one deserves to go through this, and then, she can be your mother, grandmother, sister or a relative ... Remember is you see physical, phychological or sexual abuse, you have to stop it!

  48. Hi I'm María Rodríguez from 2° bachillerato A. For this issue is quite important in society as it is one of the great problems today, there are thousands of cases on this issue and it is not yet solved. there is a long way to go to balance but for them we must all contribute something that will lead us to achieve it. I think that even if people consider themselves with the victims, they will not change the world. For this, more rational and emotional thinking

  49. Hi! I'm David Buchynskyy from 2ºBto C. I think this is a good video against gender violence, it's not like this modern feminist who just do protests against men. Feminism should do the same like this video, educate, not accuse all the men and just go against the people who give a bad education to their children.

  50. Hi, I'm Javier García Zambrano from 1 BTO B. People used to see violence against women normal. We must change society by teaching children mutual respect, because they are the future and we cannot continue to allow these things to happen.

    I didn't use to think about this important problem.

  51. Hello, I'm Carmelo from 2º BACH B. Violence is definitely one of the main problems in our world, specially in a society heavily influenced by social media. In my opinion, most people have become egocentric and narcissistic, and crimes classified as "gender violence" are usually people trying to fill their ego. I personally believe that the only way to solve this issue is to put aside gender stereotypes and teach everyone humbleness and empathy, as well as hardening penalties for violent crimes.

  52. Hello! I am Luis Miguel Martín and my class is 2 Bach B. This video has brought my curiosity since it is a topical issue. Every day women are more insecurity when she leave her home and this is really worrying, we live in a country that should be more safe and that had more laws to protect women. The numbers discussed in the video are scary, I was ignorant of this, all are equal and nobody should have a hard time with another person in the 21st century, I am glad that Antonio Banderas has participated in this cause since he is a well-known person and can make this message reach many people and put themselves in his position. In conclusion, we must all follow this position, he has arrived the moment we stop this at once, that we are true humans and if we see or know of any case of violence against women, we report it and stop it immediately.For a safer world!

  53. Hi! I'm Daria Tomescu from 2ºBachillerato B.
    Across the country and around the world,too many women and girls face violence and discrimination. That's just unacceptable and must never be tolerated.
    I whish more men could have this type of mentality, but unfortunately that only comes with a mature mindset achieved with older ages so most young boys have yet to be able to have it. The worst part is that women are the ones to take the blame most of the times. Whether it's for their attitude or their dressing habits, the agressors never accept the truth and take responsability for their disgusting actions. As a human being I'd feel deeply ashamed to menatlly abuse or physically harm another person. Therefore I beg all my fellow people, ''if you see something, do something''.

  54. Hello, I'm María Betanzos from 2ºBACH C.I think that this is a very important issue and that we are very close because our generation is the one that can change everything and continue with everything that our mothers and grandmothers have advanced with respect to this issue. I also believe that it is very important that people like the actors that have a lot of media impact talk about this issue since it can reach more people. I also agree that not only women support this cause, I think men should also participate in this fight.We must all unite to defend ourselves from the bad people who want to harm us. Just like that, joining us all, we will achieve our goal.

    Hi, I'm Antonio Jose and I'm going to give my apinion on the subject of this video. The issue of gender violence is a very sensitive issue, on the one hand there is good and on the other, radicalism or extremism. It is good that there are demonstrations against gender violence and, above all, that it is done in a reasonable way, it also seems good to me that he who mistreats or violates does not leave his life in jail, however in this radicalism, that thought that They have many women currently hating men just for being a man. Not all men rape or mistreat nor do all women hate men, it is a matter of education.

  56. Hi! I´m Minerva Franco, from 2ºBTO B. Antonio Banderas' video reflects the harsh current reality regarding the gender struggle. This is a very worrying issue due to the countless cases of murders, traffic, abuse ... of women. Violence against women is an unacceptable situation that we should not allow. In the news we find news every day in which a woman has been physically or psychologically damaged by an experience like this, from my point of view ... this has to end now! every time, more is being fought to eradicate gender violence, and this video is a clear example in which it is observed that not all men are in favor of this violence, thus being a great example for others. Therefore, we must fight together and raise awareness about this situation in order to eradicate it, and show the great value of a woman. Finally, we must remember that these situations must be told as it is said in the video: "If you see something, do something". Everything is for a free world and a just society.

  57. hello!! I'm Julián Fernández from 2º bach C
    My opinion is that all of us are equals, everyone has the same right to live freely, regardless man, woman or child. Nobody has the right to harm verbal or nonverbal communication another person. I think that the bullying is the principal world problem-at school, at work, on the street... and the problem is that when somebody suffer nobody defend him. I think that we must talk and be sympathetic with everyone for resolve this problem.

  58. Hi, I'm Jaime Reales from 2A.
    I think the gender violence is a really problem in the actual society.
    Up to 60% of womens experince an abuse on theirs live!! Wow, this is a huge number.
    I think when the violence ceases to exist, the Word will be much better.
    Thanks Antonio Banderas for this reflection.
    If you see something do something

  59. Hi, I´m Francisco Sanchez from 2 ESO B.
    Wow a lot of womens and girls are being prostituted. oh my god

  60. Hello I'am Guillermo Silva Faraco de 2 eso A I think the importante video because is a very problem

  61. Hello, I'm Nerea Méndez Barroso from 2°B. I think that this video is very interesting because every day there are more cases of gender violence.

  62. Hello,I'm Rocío Juan Burgos from 2°A. I think that this video is very interesting since I see that there are currently many cases of gender violence.

  63. Hello, I'm Manuel Gallardo from 4°B. I think that Antonio Banderas is right because the womens suffer and I think that all the people should fight against this injustice. Is a task of all the society.

  64. Hi,I´m Adelina from 4ºA, we are in the XXI century and we isn´t aceptable that this type of things can happends now a days,I think we should stop that and realaised that women are the same that man

  65. Hello, I`m Francisco José del Pino from 4ºA. I think he is right because the woman has no right to suffer this
    These type of videos are necesary


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