jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019


Hi everyone,

Sensory disabilty, mental health, mobility, learning disability... Some people around you have to cope with these problems on their everyday life., but they are just like us. Listen to them on how they would like us to treat them and leave your comments.

18 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I'm Alicia Toribio from 2°BTO D.
    This is an issue that people do not usually give importance but it is something that is seen day by day. Everyone is the same, whether they have a disease or not, we should even help them in what they need and make things easier for them instead of messing with them or marginalize them. People get to do a lot of harm just to feel better or superior to others

  2. Hello, my name is María Ávila from 1º BTO. B. I think that this video is very educational to teach us that we are all the same, that although some people give them some tings more than others, we all have the same rights.It teaches us that we understand how they feel at the moment you decide to talk to them or spend time with people with dissbilities.
    They have disabilities not prohibitions.

    A greeting!
    María Ávila

  3. Hi, I`m José María López from 2°BTO B and in my opinion we must learn to treat people with some type of disability like any other person and not try to treat them in a special way because of their condition unless they really need it because we could get to offend them.

  4. Hello my name is Laura. This is a beautiful video that represent the real life that we don't see. People with some problems with sensory, mental health etc have problem with other people because other people aren't patient and truthful. I think that I try to improve in this qualities to help people with this problems.

  5. Hi everyone ! My name is Rocio Gomez and I'm from 2 BACH D. When I oppened the blog , the description on the first video have amazed me. But it really have caught my attention when i whatched it. In this , shows people with different abilities, because none of these have disabilities, only distinguish them characteristics that others do not have .
    Sadly, there are still people who believe that a disabled person is a person without the ability to reach the same goal as a "normal person".But these people do not realize that a characteristic does not prevent being and performing like all other people, moreover, the disabled have the same abilities or even more than someone without discapacity. The best examples for these people who believe that they can't do the same as us is : Beethoven , he was deaf and he composed the main symphony .Pablo Pineda , he is a teacher with Down's Syndrome and a big etc . So please ,
    before pointing to someone with a disability, think first of all that he/she is a person like you and that he/she can go as far as any other person.

  6. Good afternoon. I'm Carmelo from 2º BACH B. Disabilities are a health problem that sadly cannot be avoided for those who suffer it. Nonetheless, we must do our best to raise awareness to help people who are disabled. Most of us probably know somebody who has to go through this; they are human beings, just like us, and they deserve to be treated as such. That's why we should do everything that's in our hands to help make their lives easier.

  7. Hello!.My name is Luis Miguel Martín and my class is 2 Bach B.I have choosen this video to comment because I knew a little about the subject.In the world,there are many people,some of them do not have the same capabilities as others because they have disabilities such as sensory disability,mental health,mobility,learning disability,etc.All these characteristics do not have to make people different from the rest of society since all are the same.Their day-to-day must be hard and we must help them to integrate more into society,an example would be interacting with them just as to know their tastes and hobbies.When I was little,in my class there was a girl called Noelia,who had a learning disability,we helped her to make her day easier,she even had better skills than many of us due to she worked very hard and what she proposed to get it.With this I would like to reflect and see that anyone can go very far if it proposes and fights for it,whether you has a disability or not.

  8. Hi! I'm Daria Tomescu from 2ºBachillerato B.
    This video has really made me more aware about what disabled people go through on a day to day basis. I think it's quite alarming how stigmatized physical disabilities are in our society, with special needs people being treated like a whole another species. The most saddening part to me is that mental illnesses are starting to not be taken seriously nowadays because of social media, since there are many teens who fake having depression or anxiety just to seek attention online and appear to be more relatable.

  9. Hello I´m Antonia from 2 BACH C.
    How we write about and speak with people with disability can have a profound effect on the individual and on community attitudes. By their very nature, some words and interactions can degrade and diminish people with disability. Others perpetuate inaccurate stereotypes, entirely removing a person’s individuality and, in some cases, their dignity.

    Through positive and appropriate interactions with people with disability, we can help break down the barriers that they face in the community and in the physical environment. It is important to recognise people with disability for what they can do, rather than focusing on their limitations.

  10. Antonio José Diaz 2 BACH C
    Hi, I'm Antonio and I'm going to give my opinion about the trma that is discussed in this video. The issue of disabilities is a topic that is talked about very little but is very serious. I think that even if they have a small physical or mental disability they are the same as us and can do the same things the same or better than us. These people who with one leg only compete in athletics with the help of a prosthesis or a person with a psychological disability taking out a study career and working in a large company and managing it. for me they are the true heroes of this world but sadly there are people who discriminate against these people just for being a few specials and that is very bad.

  11. hello!! I'm Julián Fernández from 2º bach C
    In my opinion, this is an issue that people do not usually give importance but it is something that is seen day by day. Everyone is the same, whether they have a disease or not, we should even help them in what they need and make things easier for them instead of messing with them or marginalize them. People get to do a lot of harm just to feel better or superior to others

  12. Hello! I'm Fatima Colchero from 2 ° BACH C. My opinion about the issue of having disabilities is what we should learn more and something we should see in schools. Well, how many times we have been told we shouldn't judge without knowing; The same goes for these people. Not because they have any disability, they are or will be less than a normal person. When I say a normal person, I wants to refer to the lack of disability, but really we are all the same, that is, nobody is more than anyone in this world. Only we are unique and we all have something that differentiate us from others. In this case, these people have problems that are present in our lives and we see daily, and surely many of us have someone in our family with a problem similar to these people and who suffer from birth or throughout their lives. This means that not because we were born without any disability, we cannot have it;If we think so, we are very wrong because this happens at any time in our lives and when we least expect it. Also say that the blonde girl has caught my attention, when she says she doesn't like to be treated like a baby simply because she has a problem. The girl is right because there are many cases like these, imagine that by owning a disability, others think that you don't understand or are not like them, how would you feel? Sad, right? Well, the same thing happens to the girl so we should always deal with them as if she were a person we talk to every day.
    Finally, say that we don't have to leave these people aside, that's mean that if one day you get to know someone like them, why not give them a chance and talk to them?

  13. Hello everyone! My name is Fabián Maraver, and my class is 2° B. I think this is a video that teach us about the people with "disabilities". I don't know why the people think that if a person have a disability, you cannot communicate with this person, so the another person with a "disability" feels rejected. Although we don't realize, the people with a "disability" are always with us, and they are rejected. I have a cousin with a mental disability, and all the world can communicate with him. So, why not the people think about that?

  14. Hello,I´m Marta Almenta Duque from 4 ESO B and
    This year I will participate more in class, I will take more account in the explanations of the teacher and I will carry out the homework done every day, these are my solutions so that this new year is going better for me.This is all

  15. Hi, I'm Rocío Caucín from 4B
    There are people who do not speak, and have the great ability to communicate with their hands, or with their eyes or their legs! In other words, it has an incredible capacity that is not valued.
    There are people who cannot walk, but are able to move the world around them.
    There are people who do not see, but are able to paint life color with their words.
    There are people who do not feel accepted in society because of their condition and it is not visible, for example autistic people, in my opinion they are really incredible people, they have an unusual mental capacity and that makes them extraordinary !! However, society isolates them and belittles them ... something inconceivable to me.
    There are many people who have great capabilities and are not valued.

  16. Hi I'm Natalia from 4Eso B
    In my opinion these are problems that are seen day by day and instead of marginalizing these children we should help them

  17. Hi,I´m Adelina from 4ºA.I think we should attend more to this kind of people tan our phones,most of the time we pass the time with them and we don´t matter what they feel,we shiould be more empathic

  18. My Name is Najat Oumeskour from 2°BTO.
    As humans we must learn how to treat these persons, because the minimum effort from us to help them and talk to them, helps them to be happy and feel accepted. Persons who have disability can be depressed from our behavior to them, as we are seeing now a lot of people doesn't understand their situation and they abuse them as results a lot of them commit suicide.
    To sum up I want to say to this persons that have a disability is not the end of the world because they can make their dreams true with the work and the optimism.


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