viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

1º BACHTO 3rd TERM PROJECTS: Traditional Games.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I'm Ana Medina, from 1ºBTO D.
    I liked this project because it made us return to our chilhood! Good job.

  2. Hello!! I'm Ainara from 1ºBTO B.
    I liked this project because they remembered the games that people played in the past, and the games that we play, and these have changed a lot.
    Thank you =)

  3. Hi, My name is Francis Suárez. A student of 2ºD. I think a good tradicional game is the maula. My dad played with his friend in the forest or in the chaparral park. Is played so:
    Is played with two sticks: A big stick(maula)and other small(maula) with the ends in peak.
    Is playes by teams. No matter the number of players on each team. The small stick gets in the ground in some stone, with the big stick got up the small and is struck with force (ifyoucan) the opposing team have to catch the
    maula in the air. if you do not catch you have to throw the maula and try hit the maule that this in the stones in the ground. If you not guess right you have that give with the maule to the maula and move away of the stones

  4. Hello, I am Ana Prieto, from 1º BTO D.
    I have found this project very interesting because I have remembered when I was a child and I played to some of this games.
    Also, is very important to know the influence of some games nowadays in the society because the majority of children are dependant of them.
    Congratulations for the group!!

    Bye! :)

  5. Hi!
    I'm Carmen Raposo, from 1ºBTO B.
    I have appreciated this project due to feelings that it has conveyed to me. In few minutes, I have remembered my childhood when I played potsy. Although, videogames has been a part of my childhood as well.
    I am thankful for this, so Thank You!!

    Bye! (:

  6. Hello, I'm María Sánchez from 1º BTO.
    I liked this project because they remembered the games that people played in the past,and it made return us to our childhood.
    Bye! (:

  7. Hello!!! I am David Mellado from 1BTO B.

    I think this is the best project, because was really simple and I think that this group do a really good job.

  8. Hello , I am Rocío de los santos from 4E . I had found this project very interesting an in my opinion, they did a good job :)


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