miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Social Science Activity for 2º ESO students.

The Story of Isis and Osiris by pasferacos

2 comentarios:

  1. Here are the answers to the questions about the text.
    1. The god Osiris was the son of the sky goddess, Nut,and the Earth god, Geb.
    2. Osiris taught the Egyptians to cultivate the land, produce wine, extract metals from the ground and make useful objects with
    3. Osiris married her sister Isis.
    4. Seth, Osiris’ brother, was very jealous and spent all his time plotting against his brother.
    5. Osiris was locked in a chest. Seth’s accomplices locked it and threw it tothe river Nile.
    6. Isis desperately began to look for her husband’s body and she found him.
    7. Horus was Isis and Osiris' son and he is considered the ancestor of the first pharaoh Narmer.

  2. I think that I'm not going to do this activity.
    I don't have time for it


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