viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

1º BACHTO 3rd TERM PROJECTS: Water and Air based Activities.

7 comentarios:

  1. I like this video and it is very interesting

  2. Hi!! I'm Ana Medina, from 1ºBTO D.
    This project was my favourite one, they've explained it really well and the pictures were amazing.

  3. Hi, I'm Ainara from 1ºBTO B!
    This project has been done by my gruop, and I wnat to tell you why we chose this activities.
    In my case, I love this tipes of sports and I found it very interesting. I like it so much, and I hope to do this someday. One of these I already did and it was fantastic.
    Bye =)

  4. Hello, I am Ana Prieto, from 1º BTO D.
    Although I don´t like to practise this activities because I´m scared of them, I recognize that it is very important to know a bit about it.
    I admire people that do these activities because this would be impossible for me!
    Good pictures!
    Congratulations for the group!!

    Bye! :)

  5. Hi!
    I'm Carmen Raposo, from 1ºBTO B.
    I have to say that I have loved this one since I would like to do some similar someday in a near future.
    After watching it, I have thougt about to do rafting or maybe abseiling this summer.
    I hope it to come true.

    Bye! (:

  6. Hi! I'm María Sánchez, from 1ºBTO.
    I really like this proyect because I think that this activities are very interesting and they have explained the project very well.
    Bye! =)

  7. Hello, I am Rocío de los santos from 4E in my opinion this is the best one. Thy did a really god job and the photos are so beautiful :)


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