miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Methods of training 1 ...

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I'm María Beato from 4th course of secundary, group A.
    To my mind this video is really interesting. It explains the principles of training, so if you have to improve any of the physical education tests you should follow these tips and you'll improve it.
    In conclusion, I think that I should follow this principles of training and improve the tests that I do worst.

  2. Hello my name is maria jose from 3°A. I like this video because I think it is very organized and explains things very well, plus it's perfec for people who love sports

  3. Hello! My name is Javier from 2º ESO B.
    This video is very interesting because it explain you in what orther you have to do the training and the diferents methods that exist.

  4. Hi! teacher mi name is Fernando from 2ºB
    thanks for this methods of training, now i learned to train very well
    is a good video.
    It's explaining very well

  5. Hello my name's Mario from 2ºB. I think this is a good method and I will pruebe it.


  6. Hi I am Ernesto from 2° Bto A and in my opinion how you do the sport exercises is as important as the simple exercise. That is why this vídeo is great to know how to control the exercises (repetitions and time...) to improve as much as possible.


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