domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018




Hello everyone my name is Reuben Trabi, I will be your new English Teaching Assistant. I am 25 years old, I was born and raised in Westbury, New York which is located an hour away from New York City. I graduated from the University at Albany with a bachelor's degree in Globalization and a minor in history. I have two brothers and two sisters. My father is a painter and a writer and my mother works as a nurse. In my spare time I enjoy playing videogames such as FIFA and Fortnite. I also enjoy playing and watching soccer(football) and exercising in the gym. I have a strong interest in International relations, I enjoy learning about different countries, cultures, and customs. I have learned a decent amount of Spanish in my University but I look forward to improving it during my time in Spain.  This will be my first time in Spain, I have only traveled to London so far. I’m looking forward to engaging with the community of Almonte, and I also look forward to meeting the staff and students at I.E.S Donana.

154 comentarios:

  1. Hello Reuben my name is Juan Fran of 3ºESO B,
    I'm looking forward to meeting you.
    Welcome to IES Donana

  2. Hello, I'm Dunia from 3°ESO B , I'm looking forward meeting with the new assistant of english and learning bout your customs , culture. And also knowing how is the high school in New York ... Welcome Reuben, see you soon.

  3. Hello, my name is laura from 3°B. I'm looking forward learning new things. Welcome to our school.

  4. Hello, my name is Carlos Manuel Ruiz Fajardo, I really want to know your culture and traditions. Welcome

  5. hello,my name is alvaro jacinto dominguez ,
    I would like to know a little more vocabulary and traditions of your country

  6. Hello Reuben,my name is Jose Ignacio and my class is 2°ESO C Welcome to our highschool.

  7. Hello Reuben, I am Aaron Rodríguez Espinosa of 2 °C and I want to welcome you to our institute. I'm glad you're coming from New York because I think it's a beautiful city, here in Spain the cities are not that big but they have great views. I hope your stay in Almonte is welcoming and teaches us many things. Nice to have you here, Reuben!

  8. Hello,my name is Alba from 3°B.
    I'm looking forward to meeting Reuben to learn more about his culture.Welcome to Almonte

  9. Hello,my name is Ronal from 3°B .i'm looking forward meeting you and learning new things ,ser you soon

  10. Hello Reuben, my name is Alvaro Ordoñez Ramirez. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Welcome to IES Doñana

  11. Hello Reuben! I'm Esther from 3º B. I'm looking foward meeting you and learn more of your culture this year. Welcmoe our school!

  12. Hello,my name is Alvaro Lopez Ramos i am from of 1Eso E.Welcome Reuben

  13. Hello Reuben! I´m Francisco Sánchez Bejarano 1ºE I'm looking forward to you and get to know you

  14. Hello my name is Noelia Medina from 3ºESO B,I’m looking foward to knowing your culture.Welcome to I.E.S Doñana

  15. Hello my name is Auri Huelva from 1ºESO E.Welcome to Almonte

  16. Hello Reuben, my name is Erika, I am from 1 ° D, I welcome you to the center and I hope to meet you and learn a lot more.

  17. Hello Reuben,I am Ikram from 2ºA , first of all welcome to I.E.S Doñana. I hope that this year you have great time with us and we with you. In your introduction today we have know a lot about you and about New York. You are a nice person, we had a very fun class with you. Thanks for coming. I hope you have a good experience with us

  18. Hello Reuben! I´m Lucia from 2ºA. I'm looking forward to meeting you!Welcome to IES Doñana!.

  19. Hello Reuben! I'm Álvaro Escamilla from 2°Eso A Welcome to IES Doñana i want you to feel comfortable un our study centre.

  20. Hello Reuben, I'm Maria for the classroom 3º ESO B, I'm looking forward to, to be able to work with you and know the type of person you are.

  21. Hello my mame is Paula González García i am 1°D ESO welcome to Almonte

  22. Hello. I´m Carla Endrina from 1ºD. I`m from Almonte. Welcome to I.E.S Doñana. Nice to meet you.

  23. Hello Reuben!
    My name is Inés Ramos from 1°ESO D.
    I like skating . Welcome to Almonte

  24. Hello Ruben!
    My name is Ángela Ullauri from 1°ESO D.
    I like music. Welcome to I.E.S. Doñana. Good bye!

  25. Hello Reuben!
    My name is Paola Valladolid from 1ºD. I live in Almonte, Huelva. I like listening to music. Welcome to I.E.S. Doñana.
    Nice to meet you!

  26. Hello Reuben!!
    My name is Rocio from 2º ESO B . I would like to know more vocabulary and traditions of your countries.
    Welcome to our highs school.

  27. Hello Reuben! My name is David Florin Vasile from 1ESO D welcome to I.E.S Doñana.

  28. Hi Ruben! Im Javier Rodríguez from 2ºB. I live in Almonte and I pla fortnite like you. I also play video games such as Rainbow Six Siege or Call Of Duty. I do sports such as judo and football, see you soon Ruben and welcome to I.E.S Doñana!

  29. Hello Reuben! My name's Fabián Maraver Triguero from 1°ESO D. I like playing Fortnite but I don't like playing FIFA. Goodbye

  30. Hello Reuben!
    My name is Elena Rebollo Ramírez from 2°B. I'm thirteen years old. I live in El Rocio(Almonte). Welcome to IES Doñana. Nice to meet you!

  31. Hello Reuben!
    My name is Elena Rebollo Ramírez from 2°B. I'm thirteen years old. I live in El Rocío (Almonte).Welcome to IES Doñana. Nice to meet you!

  32. Hello Reúben!
    My name is Diego Magallanes from 1°D.
    I live in Almonte.Welcome to IES Doñana

  33. Hi Reuben!!
    My name is Carmen Acosta Diaz from 2 ESO-B. I live in Almonte and i´m thirteen years old. I like listening to music and going out with my friends . I hope you liked Almonte and IES Doñana. See you!!

  34. Hello Reuben, my name is Adriana from 1ºBachillerato!
    I am glad that you are in the high school with us, although in bachillerato we can not have an hour of classes with you, last year our English assistant had to leave shortly after arriving and we did not have classes with assistant throughout the year.
    I hope everything goes great in our center. Welcome, see you in the hallways and in class! :)

  35. Hi Reuben! I'm Alicia Toribio from 1ºBto B. Hope you will enjoy the time here in our town and in our center. I haven't got any class with you, but I wish you will come some day to talk with you and learn something about your customs and your languaje.
    Boasts as long as you been here.

  36. Hello! my name is Carlos Ortega Mantero from 1ºD.I'm eleven years old,my favorite sport is basketball

  37. Hello Reuben! I'm Martin sanchez Garcia from 1°ESO D.
    welcome to I.E.S Doñana.

  38. HellO, my name is Antonio García Escobar, from 1 de ESO D.I am 13 years and I like Fornite and football

  39. Hello Reuben!!My name is David González Martín from 2ESO B Welcome to IES Doñana

  40. Hello Ruben my name is Nicolas Martinez from the class of 2'B and I just wanted to give you a visit to the institute IES Doñana.
    I hope you like almonte.

  41. Hello Reuben
    My name is Claudio Florea Stanczyk from 1D I`m eleven years old I like play Fornite,Fifa and fotball welcome to I.E.S Doñana. do you like play fotball?

  42. Hello Reuben!
    My name is Nerea Méndez Barroso, from 1ºD.
    I live in Almonte. I like playing football but I don't like playing tennis. Welcome to "I.E.S Doñana". Goodbay.

  43. Hi Rubén. I'm Antonio Carlos from 1 ° D. I'm 12 years old. I like football and horses

  44. Hello Reuben!!! My name is Beatriz Rodríguez Cordero, from 1° ESO C. I'm 12 years old and I like listening to music.
    Welcome to I.E.S Doñana

  45. Hello, my name is Rocio Méndez lópez from 1ºESO D.
    I like to do crafts. I don't like play football.
    goodbye Reuben.

  46. Hello Reuben, my name is Ana Gonzaalez Galvez,from 1 ESO D .I am 13 years old and I live in Almonte

  47. Hi, Reuben! I'm Diana Alexandra from 2 ESO-B. I live in Almonte and I have fourteen years old. I like listening to music. Welcome to I.E.S Doñana!!!

  48. Hello Rouben!
    My name is Ainoa Mora from 1°D.I live in Almonte.I like horse riding.Welcome to I.E.S.Doñana
    Good bye!

  49. Hello Reuben, I'm Laura Ramírez from 2ESO B. WELCOME TO IES DOÑANA.

  50. Hi! I am Jaime Pérez Roldán ,I al from to 2 ESO B . I like play videogames and I practise judo . Welcome to IES Donana Ruben . See you soon!!

  51. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  52. Hello.
    I'm Maria Diaz from 2°B. I like meeting with my friends and listening to music.
    I'm very happy you are welcome to Almonte!

  53. Hello Rubén I am Marta mellado ojeda I am from 2 eso B I am 13 years old . I hope you like spain , welcome

  54. Hello! I am Jaime Perez Roldan , I am from 2ºB and I am thirteen years old. I like playing videogames and practising judo.
    Welcome to IES Donana! See you soon

  55. Hello Reuben I´m Ángela Súarez from 1 bto B.
    I am looking forward to meeting you, I also like to know new cities of the world and I would like to know your city, and your country, in general know United States

  56. Hello Reuben.I'm Rubén Solís Espina i from 1°D.I like playing football but don't playing basketball and welcome

  57. Hello Reuben my name is Carmen and I'm thirteen years old. I like going out whit muy friends and muy class is 2 ESO B. Bye a see you!!

  58. Hello reuben i am jeni from 2 A welcome to íes doñana

  59. Hello I'm jeni from 2A.
    I like listen the music and play with mi sister .
    welcome to almonte

  60. Hi Reuben!
    I'm Adrián Carrillo López from 2ºA.
    I like the classes with you.
    I am in the country with my family the weekends, in case you want to came to know Doñana.
    See you

  61. Hello Reuben I´m Sergio fron 2º ESO A I have seen your presentation and i also like playing videogames and travel into new cities and i would like to travel to your country and see more of your city.

  62. Hello Reuben I'm Teresa Bejarano from 2°A How are you doing? us very well with you. When you leave?

  63. Hello Reuben I'm Teresa Bejarano from 2°A How are you doing? us very well with you. When you leave?

  64. Hello Reuben I'm Teresa Bejarano from 2°A Welcome to ies doñana.I am very happy that you are in our high school.
    Good bye!

  65. Hi Reuben!
    I'm Adrián from 2ºA.
    I like your classes.
    I live in Almonte but the weekend I go to the country with my family, I case you want to know Doñana.

  66. Hi Rubén I am Juan Manuel from 2A,I am 13 year old and I like fortnite, welcome to Ies Doñana

  67. Hi Reuben!`
    I'm Rocío Acosta from 2ESO A.I like dancing and meeting with my friends

  68. Hello reuben,
    I`m Rocío Acosta fron 2ESO A.
    i hope you like our city, welcome to Almonte!!

  69. Hello Reuben I´m Anabel Paqui from 2 ESO A. welcome to IES DOñANA,I like meeting with my friends and listening to music, I like 14 years old.I like playing swimming but I don´t like playing football.I live in almonte.

  70. Hello reuben!I'm Carlos Carrion from 2A . welcome to almonte and I.E.S Doñana.I want to feel comfortable in the institute

  71. Hello Reuben! Nice to meet you.
    I like play fortnite too.

  72. hello Reuben I am Jimena and I am in 2 ° A, I am 13 years old and this summer I am going to New York as I love to know new culture and countries

  73. I am Jimena (2 ° A) my father and my mother are biologists and in my spare time I also love playing FIFA and FORNITE.

  74. hello ruben am mohsin of 2.A I also like to play fifa and play soccer, I play football 5 days a week and the fifa is not that I'm so passionate about the game 2 or 3 times a week but the gta I love good until another goodbye

  75. Hello Reuben my name is Veronica Alarcon from 3ºESO A.
    I´m happy for meeting you and that you´re our school.

  76. Hello, I'm Isabel from 4ºB. Welcome to IES Doñana,I hope you like Spain. Bye!

  77. Hi Reuben, my name is Alberto im from the 4°ESO class. I hope that you have a nice year with us and enjoy of our great country,Spain.

  78. Hi Reuben, my name is Alberto im from the 4°ESO class. I hope that you have a nice year with us and enjoy of our great country,Spain.

  79. Hi Reuben! My name is María Ávila from 4ºB.I hope you learn a lot with us as we do with you.I also hope you like Andalucía and our customs.Greetings and see you soon

  80. Hello Reuben, I am Juan Manuel from 4·Eso B.
    I don't like FIFA or football (Yes, I am very strange)I like more the basketball because when I was young, I played basketball with my Friends and I also play Fornite and rainbow six siege.

    Welcome to Almonte Reuben.

  81. Hello Reuben! My name is María Báñez from 4 ESO B.
    I am looking forward to meeting you. My class has the privilege of being with you in two subjects and I want to continue learning about the culture, politics and traditions of your city, and also knowing how is the high school in New York.
    In general, I hope you have a great time with us in our center and that you learn just like us.
    See you soon!

  82. Hello! My name is Ana, I'm from Almonte and I'm in 1st of B.
    Until recently I did not know you had come, I only saw you in high school but I have not spoken or taught with you.
    I know you are the English teacher I read your comment and I would love to go to New York.
    Welcome Reuben!

  83. Hello Reuben! I'm Aarón from 2°C. Well as I did not publish the comment I made months ago in this post I'll post it again. I want to welcome you to our institute. I hope you're going great when you came in since then. I have not been able to start a conversation with you yet, so I do it over here. I hope and wish that your stay in Spain is pleasant. Regards, Reuben.

  84. HI! I´m Candela from 4ºB.
    I'm glad you're here with us, the classes with you are very interesting and I'm very much in love with your accent and your pronunciation!. I will improve my English with your stay here. Kisses!

  85. hello Reuben! Nice to meet you
    My name is Rocío Ramírez from 4A , I´m from Matalascañas and I have a brother ,his name is José María .
    I hope to improve English with you and I´m looking forward meeting with the new assistant of English and learning about your customs and culture .

  86. yo Reuben, I'm Alejandro from 4B and Im so interested about english couse is very useful about talk with others in games and working. also I love too my guitar and play all day long.

  87. Hello, I am Nora from 4 ° A. I am happy that you teach us about your habits and that you help us improve our English. I think you are very cool and friendly. I hope you have a good year in our school.

  88. Hello Reuben I am Paula Cabrera from 4.A
    Welcome to Spain and our high school. We are delighted to have you here with us this year, since our previous assistant could not stay with us for long. You are lovely and very friendly. We will learn a lot with you, just like you with us. I hope that during your stay in our country, you have a great time, knowing our customs and our people. Spain has incredible places that are waiting for you!
    See you soon!

  89. Hi Reuben!! I,m Andrea Pérez from 4ºB, I’m fifteen years old and I really like practise sport, specially rhythmic gymnastics. I hope you felt really good with us, that you can learn a lot, that you like Almonte and our high school, I’m nice to meet you. Bye!!

  90. Hi reubens, I am Brenda Ramos from 4º of ESO B and I am happy wiht your work in our school because you are doing different activities in physical education and history with we, i specially like osur P.E. classes wiht you because you had been different exercises in training circuit and do the beep test with we.
    Bye and I hope to you spend a good year

  91. Hello Reuben!, welcome to Almonte. My name is Rocío Cabrera from 4A, I am 15 years old.
    Nice to meet you.I hope learning and to improve my english with you. I love knowing new cultures and customs from other countries.I am sure we will enjoy ourselves a lot. I wish you a great stay in my city.
    See you later!

  92. Hello Reuben I'm Victor Dutu from 4°A and I want to tell you welcome to our highschool.I hope you have a good year been our English Teaching Assistant and I'm interested in learning new things from you.

  93. Hello Ruben, I am Yasmina from 4º ESO B, our classes with you are very nice, I hope you think the same, you are a very interesting boy, I hope to know you more, learn with you and that you learn with us too, kisses !!

  94. Hello Reuben, I’m Claudia Maraver from 4°B. I’m from Matalascañas, I live with my parents and my big sister. At the beginning it will be difficult for you to adapt, but I hope you like this schooland that they treat you very well. Nice to meet you!

  95. Hello, my name is Pablo from 2A.
    Rouben wanted to tell you that I read your comment and it seemed interesting and funny with fortnite, and I wanted to welcome you to almonte and instituto doñana.

  96. Hello, I am Óscar, I hope you have a great time during the school year, welcome to our school.

  97. Hi,Reuben,I'm Dragos Florin Calin from 4B.Welcome to Almonte and I'm very lucky because you are our assistant of English in history and physical education.Some afternoons I play call of duty and red dead redemption 2.

  98. Hello Ruben my name is Angel,I am from 2A ,welcome to Almonte I hope you like it and that you get used to us.Sometimes we are heavy and sorry but we are like that

  99. Hello Ruben my name is Angel I am from 2Awelcome to Almonte

  100. Hi,I´m Juan.
    I’m from 2ªA I hope that you are enjoying the time here. You are so interesting and really nice!!!

  101. Hi Reuben! I'm Bianca from 4°B
    I hope this year you have a nice time in Spain and learn a lot of Spanish and so we will, learning a lot of English and enjoying the classes with you.
    See you in PE and History classes!

  102. Hi, Reuben! I'm Rocío Báñez from 4º ESO A.
    I'm glad to learn english with you. I'd like to improve my english and talk with people from other cities.
    I hope you like Almonte.
    Welcome to IES Doñana! :D

  103. Hi, Reuben! I'm Rocío Báñez from 4º ESO A.
    I'm glad to learn english with you. I'd like to improve my english and talk with people from other cities.
    I hope you like Almonte.
    Welcome to IES Doñana! :D

  104. Hello Rouben! I'm Kevin from 4º A. Wecome to Spain, I hope you like our town Almonte, I'm sure you will live a nice experience here. See you soon!

  105. Hi! I am Adriana Ortega from 1 bach B, I am sure that you Will enjoy with us this year. I am sad because you won´t come to bach´s class but It could be perfect If our teacher can came with you one day to our clases

  106. Hello reuben, how about Spain? I hope that, well, I want to tell you that you adapt well to Spanish customs and that you know that I will be a friend. I hope to see you, regards
    Antonio Elias Jimenez Fernandez 2A

  107. Antonio José Díaz 1’ BATCH B
    Hello my name is Antonio and welcome to IES Doñana. I am a student of 1’ BATCH B. I like play Fifa too but I don’t like Fornite because I am very bad and I lose always jeje. Just tell you that we are delighted to have an English assistant and when you want to play Fifa online with me jeje.

  108. Hi! I'm Gabi from 4B. I'm very happy to meet you. I think that is very interesting to meet people from other countries and to learn new things about you and USA. I was very enthusiastic when I knew that you're from USA because I very like it and I want to travel there.

  109. Hello! I'm Lydia from 4 ESO B.
    I'm so happy that you are here with us to teach us your culture and language. I hope you like our town and our school. See you in PE and History classes!

  110. Hi Reuben! I´m Antonio from 4ºESO B. Welcome to our beautiful country! I hope you like Spain and I recommend you to visit El Rocío, because it´s a very beautiful village and I think you would like it. I hope you really enjoy it!

  111. Hi Reuben, I am Rubén Medina from 4º ESO b
    welcome to Almonte, I hope you like this high school

  112. Hi, Reuben! I am Laura Sánchez from 4ºB.
    I hope you have a great time with us and learn a lot of English with you. Welcome to our school.

  113. Hello Reúnen, I'm Manuel Sánchez Gomez from 4°A. I'm delighted yo meet you and I hope to learn a lot of English during this year with you.

  114. Hello reuben, I´m Marta Almenta Duque from 3ESO A.
    You are very nice and good person and i hope you have a great time with us .Bye!

  115. Hi Reuben. I´m Ángela Núñez from 3º Eso A. I hope you are liking Spain a lot. We are very happy to have you with us,and we are enjoying the experience of knowing about other cultures and improving our English. See you in next class!!

  116. Hello Reuben, I'm Rocío Bazán from 4º ESO B.I'm looking forward to learning new things. I hope you have a great time with us.

  117. Hello Reuben! I´m Lucas from 4ºB. I want to meet you, you have the same hobbies that me. when you want we can play any match in FIFA. What are your favourite team? New York City maybe? See you soon.

  118. Hi Reuben. I'm Natalia Eliana from 3°ESO A. I'm pleased that you are our assistant and I wait that you teach us things about New York. See you in next class!!

  119. Hello Reuben! I'm Paula Martínez from 4° ESO A. Welcome to IES Doñana. I hope you have a good time in Spain. See you soon!

  120. Hi Reuben, I'm Iván García from 4th ESO A. Welcome to our school. I hope you are enyoying our country and you are learning a lot of Spanish.

  121. Hello Reuben.
    I am Victoria Fernández from 4A.
    Welcome to Spain and our high school.
    I hope to learn a lot with you and that you learn with us. Nice to meet you. I will see you in class.

  122. Hello Reuben , I´m Gema Serrano Infante from 4ºA . Welcome to our high school I hope you feel at home .I'm so happy that you are here with us . See you soon.

  123. Hello Reuben, My name is Cristina Albarrán Núñez fron 4º A I hope that you are having a really good time in Spain, I like to know other cultures and this is a good opportunity. I am very excited to learn English with you and also I hope I can help you if you have any doubts.
    See you soon!

  124. Hello Reuben, My name is Cristina Albarrán Núñez fron 4º A I hope that you are having a really good time in Spain, I like to know other cultures and this is a good opportunity. I am very excited to learn English with you and also I hope I can help you if you have any doubts.
    See you soon!

  125. Hello Reuben,my name is Daniela Huelva from 3°ESO A. I'm pleased to meet you, with you there are always great moments!!! My classmates and me, love spending time with you like in Doñana. I like to know other cultures and it's a very good opportunity to practice more my English!!! See you soon

  126. Hello Reuben. My name is Lucía Sánchez from 3 ESO A. I´m very happy that you are our assistant and I´m sure that we are going to learn a lot with you. See you soon!

  127. Hi!Reuben I´m Lucas Cózar from 3 ESO A and I hope that you´ll have a great time in Spain and with us. I´m sure you are a good person

  128. Hello Reuben, I'm Manuel Gallardo Perea from 3°A. Spain is very diferent from your country, but I'm sure that you will be very happy here. Welcome, see you on class. Bye!!

  129. Hello Reuben, My name is Carmen Aragón Quintero from 3º A We are very happy that you are with us this year and that you teach us your language, I hope you are having a good time in Spain. See you soon!

  130. Hi Reuben, welcome to IES Doñana, I´m Rocío Caucín from 3º A, I hope that you are enjoying and learning a lot.
    Also I like to know other countries, cultures and customs. I would like to learn english with you.
    see you soon.

  131. Hello Reuben, My name is Juan Rodríguez Naprawca from 3'A welcome to our school I hope that you are enjoying our country.

  132. Hello Reuben, my name is Sonia from 3º ESO A. I am very happy that you are in my high school, I hope you learn a lot and we are learning a lot from you

  133. Hi reuben, I'm Cristina Carrasco from 3ºA, welcome to our high school, I hope you enjoy a lot here and that you take a good experience. See you soon!

  134. I,m Juan Rodríguez Naprawca from 3'A and I'm very excited for the travel to london.

  135. Hello Reuben, I'm Marina Fernández Ramos from 3ºA. I hope you are having a good time in our high school and I like the way you teach

  136. Hello Reuben i‘m Antonio Matias from 3°A welcome to IES Doñana i hope that you feel good

  137. Hello Ruben! I'm Felix Sanchez Pancho from 3 ESO A. You came to my class to talk to us about where you are, what your habits are, your family and your friends and I found it very interesting. You look like a very nice guy and I'm delighted to have met you. Welcome to our highschool.

  138. Hello Reuben,I'm Asen Plamenov
    I hope you have good experiences in Spain

  139. Hello Reuben, my name is Tanya and I'm in 4° A. Welcome to Almonte! I hope you have a great time here and we all learn from this experience.

    See you soon!

  140. Hello Reuben, My name is Álvaro Sánchez Hidalgo from 3°ESO A. I think you're very good people and I hope you like Almonte and our Institute

  141. Hi,I am Adelina from 3ºA,welcome to our school,I hope you ejoy this year a lot with us,I think that you will learn a lot with us.

  142. Hello Reuben!I'm daniel from 3°ESO A and When do you want we can play fortnite in duos or or a match of FIFA

  143. Hi Ruben, I'm Luis Carlos from 3 ESO A ¡WELCOME TO SPAIN!

  144. Hello Reuben
    My Name is Francisco José from 3°ESO A
    Welcome to IES Doñana. I hope you like it our school and Almonte
    See you soon

  145. Hello Reuben.My name is Maria Ramírez Bejarano from 3A,welcome to I.E.S Doñana I'm so happy because I think that I Will learn a lot of English with you,I hope that you enjoy this experience See you soon

  146. hi reuben i am Donovan Arbon Espina from 3° ESO A. Welcome to almonte and ies doñana here you will have a great time with us I hope you have a good year

  147. Hello I am Juan José from 3 ° B I have been reading your post and I liked it a lot I hope you like this institute and I would like to learn things about your culture like and you live, etc. A greeting.

  148. Hello Rubén my name is Jose Manuel from 3°ESO A, I thinks that you are a nice perdón. WELCOME TO IES DOÑANA

  149. Hello Reuben. I´m Jose Maria de los Santos Garcia from 3º ESO A, nice to meet you and I hope that you like Spain and IES DOÑANA. Bye Reuben see you soon!

  150. Hi Reuben, Im Pedro from 4 Eso A, welcome to our highschool, i hope you have a great expierence from our town and our highschool. See you soon.

  151. Hi Reuben, Im Pedro from 4 Eso A, welcome to our highschool, i hope you have a great expierence from our town and our highschool. See you soon.

  152. Hello, I am Marina Galan from 3 ° ESO B, I have loved meeting Rubén, he is very fun and we always have a great time when he is in class. We have also learned many things and he has taught us customs of his country and the things that likes


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