Let´s play volleyball.

The students will learn the routines and rules must be followed in order to practise a good play.
The students should learn to do some volleyball basic skills.
The court:
The game is placed on a volleyball court 18 metres long and 9 metres wide, divided into two 9x9 m² halves. There is a line 3 metres from and parallel to the net in each team court which is considered the “attack line”. This 3 metre line divides the court into “back court” and “front court”.
The area 1 is the position of the SERVING PLAYER. After a team gains the serve, its members must rotate in a CLOCKWISE DIRECTION, with the player previously in area 2 moving to area 1 and so on, with the player from area 1 moving to area 6.
Game play:
Each team consists of six players. To get play started, a team is chosen to serve by COIN TOSS.
The SERVER throws the ball into the air and tries to hit the ball so it passes over the net and lands in the opposing team`s court.
The opposing team must use a combination of no more than three contacts to the ball (one, two or three) to return the ball to the opponent`s side of the net.
These contacts usually consist of:
First, the BUMP or PASS made by the PASSER or BUMPER(usually a pass with the arms together).
Second, the SET made by the SETTER (usually an over-hand pass using wrists to push fingers-tip at the ball).
Third, the ATTACK made by the ATTACKER (jumping, raising one arm above the head and hitting the ball towards the ground of the opponent´s court).
The team with possession of the ball is on OFFENSE. The team on DEFENSE must prevent the ball from taking on their court: players at the net jump in order to block the attacked ball.
Errors and faults.
-The ball lands out of the court.
-The ball is touched more than three times.
-The same player touches the ball twice in succession.
-The libero, a defensive player who can only play in the back row, tries a block or an attacking hit.
-A player is not in the correct position at the moment of serve, or serves out of turn.
-At the moment of serve, one or more players jump, raise their arms or stand together at the net, trying to block the ball.
Attacker or hitter: atacante, attack: remate
Bump or pass: golpe de recepción, bumper:receptor
Court: pista
Clockwise: dirección agujas del reloj
Coin toss: cara-cruz
Defense: defensa, offense: ataque
To gain: conseguir, ganar
Halves: mitades
To rotate: rotar
Serve: servicio, Server: el que saca
Set: colocación, setter. colocador
Wide: ancho
Ask the questions:
How many players are there in each team?
How should its members rotate?
What are the names of the players and what must they do?
I am Daniel Rebollo. I am 13 years old. this summer I had a very good. I've been on the beach and swimming pools. I have a brother, called Álvaro and has 10 years old. My sports favorite is swimming. My fovorite type of misic is Semana Santa marches. I love the Semana Santa.
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Hello! I am Daniel Rebollo.I have apples, I have been going well and I have really enjoyed.
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